
Friday, January 30, 2015

Valentine Decor

In McDonald's Happy Meal

Need a fun pillow for your doll bed or couch? The current "girl" Happy Meal toy is a Sweethearts plush item. This plush would make a great addition to any doll house. Don't want to see the "conversation" part all year round? The back is blank (sorry no picture of the back).

[Note: There is a string and clip on this item that can easily be cut off (I tucked it behind for the pictures). The same goes for the ego tag.]

After the prize, what is your favorite part of a Happy Meal?

Best wishes,

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Tea Review: Fashionista Tea

Fashionista Tea

Haley, Kirsten, both, Xyra

Kirsten's Teastro?

The new American Girl of the Year, Grace, has a bistro set. I thought I'd set up a teastro.
Okay, it's not a word - I made it up myself. It's a combination of a tea room and bistro. 
Tea rooms have a lovely style all their own, just like the tea we are reviewing today - Fashionista Tea
The one thing my tea room is awesome chair. Anyone know where I can find a comfy wing back?
Kirsten! Are you ready?
Be right there!

Organic Creamy Earl Grey

(Back in the kitchen...)
What are we steeping today?
Fashionista Tea's Organic Creamy Earl Grey.
What makes it creamy?
A touch of French vanilla.
Is that why you're wearing a beret?
(giggling) Yes, and I think this would be the perfect tea or thé for Grace to pair with her pastries.
Okay. Sounds good. 
Let's get to it. Open the tin.
Melody and Xyra brought home the sachets for this blend.
The sachets are really neat!
Yes! They are made from biodegradable silk and are pyramid shaped to allow the leaves more room to unfold during steeping.
Look at the shoe on the tag!
Oh! Cute! Leopard print heel. I wish I had known, I'd have worn the leopard flats.
Leopard and floral?
No, I'd have worn a different skirt. Oh, well.
Into the pot it goes.
It's turning a lovely deep brown in color.
Maybe we should say deep amber-brown.
While we wait, let's show the Fashionista Tea card.

(timer beeping) It's done!
Looks fabulous.
Smells good too. The bergamot and French vanilla seem to compliment each other well in aroma. Let's see how it tastes.
Very nice. A little sweet and still bold. 
I bet this would hold up well with a bit of raw sugar and milk.
Yes, I was right.
You were! This is great - extra creamy.

Xyra's Notes

  • If you regularly follow our tea reviews, you'll know we aren't that fond of vanilla in tea blends. Many times it is overwhelming and artificial tasting. The vanilla in Fashionista Tea's Organic Creamy Earl Grey is not. However, as it cools, the vanilla does take over. The entire flavor of the blend shifts when lukewarm and especially when cold. Personally, I liked it much better hot - it made me think of being wrapped in a super soft, cozy, fleece blanket. 
  • We tried a second steeping with the original sachet. The results were very good, but I don't think I'd go over 2 uses per sachet.
  • The Earl Grey presence is firm. If you are not an Earl Grey fan, you may not enjoy this blend.

Do you like vanilla teas? If yes, what is your favorite brand/blend?

Best wishes,

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with Fashionista Tea (or American Girl). We found and purchased the above tea at the Philly Coffee and Tea Festival. The review is unsolicited and all opinions are our own. Links provided are for educational and informational purposes; no purchase is required.


Tuesday, January 27, 2015

These Boots Were Made For Posing

Prairie Girl Takes Control

Knock Your Boots Off

Hi! When I saw the new boots, I had to try them on and show you. Forgive me for not changing my entire outfit; just too excited.
As you can see they fit nicely even with tights.
The bottoms are nice and flat for balance.
I love the pattern sewn into the sides and really shiny metallic bottom. They even have boot straps.
They are easy to put on. 
[The hook loop closure in the back goes all the way to the bottom. The hooks are facing out so risk of snagging is relatively low.]
Whew! I'm glad I could show these to you. Time sit back, kick my heels up, and watch for more snow. Hope you enjoyed my impromptu review.

Do you have cowboy/cowgirl boots? What color are they?

Best wishes,

Monday, January 26, 2015

Grateful Blogger Tag/Award

Ever So Very Thankful

During the fall award season, two lovely bloggers nominated Tea Time with Melody Q for the Grateful Blogger Award or Tag. We are ever so thankful to be nominated by Christian Homeschooler and Guinea Pig Lover; and for Ginny and June who created this award.

The Rules:

  • Add the tag above to your sidebar or awards page. Thank the person/people who nominated you; they will surely appreciate it! Also leave a link back to the person who nominated you.
  • Write about ten (10) things for which you are thankful. Here is the tricky part - you can't just say you are grateful for gum or video games or whatever "little" thing it is you want to discuss. Think deeply about what is really, really important to you such as family, or life in and of itself. Explain why you are thankful for those things.
  • Tag ten (10) bloggers; our goal is to tag everyone! Comment on the blogs you nominate so that they will know that they were tagged!

The Big Ten (not football related)

  1. My family and friends who support me in big and small ways. They bring such joy to my life.
  2. My fur family. The unconditional love they provide is beyond measure.
  3. Being able to share the talents God gave me in fun ways like this blog and choir.
  4. Music. That seems so generic, but if you love music too, then you understand how it touches the soul and can celebrate the good times and keep you going through bad. Giving additional spice to life.
  5. This tag - it is making us look further into ourselves than we normally would. I think I'm trying too hard though.
  6. Books and movies - these can take me all over the world and through time and space. Fantasy, fiction, mystery, science fiction...they whisk me away from the horrors on the nightly news.
  7. God's love...God is ever with us, though sometimes we may not be quite as aware as other times. 
  8. People who give their time helping others. I don't have the talent to be a nurse or a missionary or veterinarian, but I am thankful for those who have these special skills.
  9. The changing seasons. Each season brings its own set of colors to the world - bright and dark, warm and cold.
  10. The doll collection/blogging community. Seeing all ages come together supporting each other is beautiful. So I am very thankful for all the blogs out there, my followers, my fellow bloggers, those who leave comments, and my inspiration.
  11. Like Spinal Tap (random movie reference), i am going to 11. I am ever so thankful for patience. I don't always have it, but I am grateful when I do and for those around me that do also. Particularly when it comes to posting responses to awards.

Thank you again for nominating me for this award.

My Nominations

Vinyl * Girls (Jeneca Rose)
So Sophia (Sophia M)
Saige's Locket (Dally)
Photo AG Doll (Meghan)
The Dolls of Sweet Nokia Street (Chloe)
Magically Melody (Jessica)
Lissie and Lilly (Lilly)
Jazzy Janet (Janet)
Glowy Zoe (Zoe)
AG In The Shire (Adaline)

If you have already received this tag, then you don't have to re-post it.

Best wishes,

Snow and S'mores

After The Snow

Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Melody

Saturday brought 4 inches of snow. After everything was shoveled...
We thought it wasn't all that cold.
So we gathered a blanket and headed out to the fire pit.
Toasted some marshmallows.
And ate s'mores too. They're not just for summer. :)

More snow on the way.

What is your favorite snack after being outside in the cold?

Best wishes,

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Doll Finds

Bed, Bath, and Beyond

I've been looking at the Mini Dream Lights Pillow Pets at Target. they have Hello, Kitty so how could I not. But $9 for I found three different pillow pets at Bed, Bath, and Beyond - blue camo puppy, butterfly, and lady bug. Also on clearance...$4.99. Plus I had a coupon and gift card. :)


Our Generation

For all intents and purposes, this one Target has a horrible toy area layout. They had 8 of the Spanish Rose outfits and no others. However, I did find an accessory set I hadn't seen before (in person, but remember someone blogging about it) and shoes tagged at $2.08. So I snapped those up.
Be Spectacled.
The case is supposed to go with the retro glasses, but they don't fit. The others do fit.

Knock Your Boots Off
Every girl needs a good pair of cowboy boots. And these are purple to boot. ;-) 

Valentine Seasonal Area

Foods! These eraser sets are great. $1.50.


These appetizer dishes will make great platters. All were on clearance. Under $2.00

Dollar Spot

Flower pot and 2 jars. The jars are a bit large and are glass, but will be nice to hold cookies.

Best wishes,