
Thursday, October 23, 2014

October Day 13

Doll Diaries October Challenge

Kirsten, Melody, both

Day 13 - Rain

Rain is really hard to photograph.
Melody and I tried a couple of different angles from the front porch.
One with flash.
One without.
Then I tried looking out the front window.
Out the back at the hot tub.
But even film directors have issues making it look like it is raining in the movies. 
It has to be "pouring sheets" to show up on the film. It was only gently raining the day we took these. 
Then I had a great idea and got the rain indirectly by the drip marks in the puddles on the back porch.
After finally getting a picture, we scurried back into the house for a steaming cup of tea.
Definitely not nearly as cold and damp inside as it was outside.

What do you like to do on rainy days?

Come back again soon.

Best wishes,



  1. cuddling on the couch with a good book or movie. Yes. :)

    1. Sounds like a good plan. :) You'll love our next post.
