
Friday, August 8, 2014

On the Island

Ah, Vacation!

While the drive was lengthy we had plenty to look at on the way. Between the scenery along side the road and reading magazines and playing games the time passed quickly.

It was good to stretch our legs and boy did we. To keep the house safe, they are built raised, so there were a lot of stairs to climb. (And even more to the widow's walk. We got lots of exercise.)

We had breakfast on the upper level widow's walk. 

What a great view! It was fun up there. (In fact, since we didn't go to the beach with the others, we spent our time either up top or inside watching Nick, Nick Jr., and the Disney Channel.)

The sunsets were stunning. Here are three that we caught. Aren't the gorgeous? The second one we just caught on our way to dinner. We walked everywhere - it was great exercise.

Xyra brought back new shells every day. These are from the first day. (We'll show you the rest later - that's an entirely different post topic.)

We hope to come back again in the near future and get more pictures. We did get to see this great rainbow...and it was a double. So cool!

Where is your favorite vacation spot? 

Best wishes,


  1. That is so cool, I love the sunset pictures! What's a widows walk?

    1. Many houses in villages where shipping and fishing are the main trades would have a porch at or above roof level. During or after bad weather the fishwives would go up to the porch and search the horizon for their husbands' boats to return safely. Many did not. Those wives were then known as widows.

  2. Beautiful sunsets! I bet you all had a great time! My favorite vacation spot is anywhere with a beautiful view.

    ~ Mint

    1. This would be a place for you to visit then. Lots of gorgeous scenery.

  3. It looks gorgeous there! Great post.

    ~TheDolly Trolley

  4. I love it! You got a lot of seashells! When I went to OCMD, there were only little ones. Your house looks so nice! :)


    1. Usually I look for the tiny ones and maybe one or two big ones to carry them home. Down in NC you have a huge selection from tiny to big Conch shells.
