
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Bucksgahuda & Western Railroad

Heading Home: Side Trip

If you like trains…you will love this post! It's a long one. [Sorry about the white highlight. I can't seem to turn it off.]

B&W RR (Narrow Gauge Railroad)

On our way home from Coolspring we made a quick side trip up to St. Mary’s, PA and the Bucksgahuda & Western Railroad. The railroad was not operating that day, but Mr. Bauer said we could look around and take a pictures.

Exploring the Railroad

You have to start at the station.
The sign in the window was very interesting. 
I’ll have no problem keeping this rule…but little boys beware!

Inside is a beautiful bench for waiting.
This is where you’ll find the ticket agent, Ken.
And his goose.
Checking out Hunter’s Crossing.
I love this statue. The painting is really neat. I wonder who created it?
This is great! We found a sandbox with an earth mover. So fun!
This is a standard gauge caboose. 
It’s an historical piece of railroad history for this area. So, of course, I had to check it out.
The door was locked, so I just peeked in the window. Looks roomy inside. Next trip we can see inside.
Melody had her picture taken on the end of a caboose at the Nevada State Railroad Museum, so I had mine taken here.

This is the water tower. When the steam engine is running it stops here to take on water. 
[Like with the road roller at Coolspring…I had permission to be here and would not be posed on the tower if today was a public day. Behind the scenes has some advantages.]
This is the Gillen Shops building. The signal where I am standing helps the engineers know how they should proceed on their journey.
The B&W has a large turntable near the engine house.
Love these daisies!
We walked past the engine house to this building and the coal cars.
Car 47 is really cool.

The access trail called my name. 
This entire railroad winds through beautiful forest. I've heard the family and volunteers have seen some interesting wildlife. We didn't go very far. You can see the yard behind me.
I wonder what this plant is? It’s cute.
I had to rest for a minute before we headed back to the engine house.
All the engines have great names here. This is Otto.
Otto is an 0-4-0 Henschel steam locomotive.
He was built in Kassel, Germany during 1939.
Look familiar? Remember the painting?
This is Henry.
Henry is a 10-ton diesel-hydraulic Plymouth locomotive.
This is the famous goose in pants. 
I’ll let you read that on the B&W website. Click “About  Us” on the left side bar and scroll down. It’s a great story!

It was a great visit. I hope to come back in August for Railroaders Day.

Best wishes,



  1. Great post! Kaya looks so cute and I love the one with her in the sand box.

    1. Thanks! That was one of my favorites of the day. Being in Henry's engineer seat was another.

    2. Gotta love it when props turn up like that. :-)
