
Monday, June 2, 2014

2014 Camp Doll Diaries: Registration

Registering for 2014 Camp Doll Diaries

Getting it Together

Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Melody, 2 or more

It's so nice out today.
You bet it is, but we really need to work on our Camp Doll Diaries registration forms.
Yeah, it's getting late.
They won't run out of space, will they?
I don't think so, but still.
Pass out the forms and pens.
These are easy!
Name...favorite color...
Favorite food...favorite sport...
Hmmm, favorite book gets a little more difficult.
So is favorite camp craft.
How do I describe myself...yikes!
Everyone done?
I've got them in the envelope and...
 ...we can have Xyra mail this off to camp.

Are you planning to participate in Camp Doll Diaries? We hope you can go to Camp Doll Diaries too! It's always fun to see how your dolls are doing over the summer.

Best wishes,
