
Friday, May 30, 2014

Yard Sale Finds

Spring and Summer: Yard Sale Time

It's that time of year when everyone starts spring cleaning, weeding out things from their collections, and trying to make a few dollars selling them to others. So Friday, Saturday, and Sunday...get out there and start looking!

Our Finds

Last week I hit a few yard sales and found some cool items.


This little grouping of items.
The bag is from Baby Gap and will make a perfect tote bag.
Mama Bear, the owl, and the little mouse...if anyone knows anything about them, please leave a comment. They're cute. [Note: The mouse has a little ball bearing in the bottom like a computer mouse would have, but it is metal.]


A new tea set!
I saw this and snapped it up. Love the pink butterfly and flower pattern.
Will go well with our existing set (an eclectic combination of course).
And now we will have a proper creamer and sugar bowl.


A plate and 2 saucers to match our existing tea set.
Finding cups would have been better, but I couldn't pass these up.

Total spent: $3.50.

Happy Bargain Hunting!


  1. Oh my word! I have been wanting a tea set for my dolls too! That is a great find, and I definitely want to go to a lot of yard sales this summer, and I hope I find one. :)

    1. You never know what you could find. I hope you find a tea set. Even if you start collecting pieces you can build a really unique set.

  2. Oh, and by the way, that litte mouse is a baby ZhuZhu Pet. You can roll it on the floor and if you buy more sets for it it would be complete! :)

    1. Ah, so the baby ZhuZhus are not motorized like the big ones. Good to know.

  3. The mouse is a Baby ZooZoo Pet. The owl looks like the owl from those Tootsie Pop commercials! Love the tea set and sausers! Great finds! ~Amelia~

    1. Thank you. The owl does look like the Tootsie pop owl...LOVE that commercial.

      "1, 2, 3...CRUNCH!"

  4. wow you only spent $3.50?? Great finds! I want a tea set! Love your tea set, I love the butterflies on it. Looks like you had a great shopping trip. I can't wait to start hitting more garage sales and seeing what I can find

    1. Yep, the tea set in the box was $2! I couldn't believe it. I hope you find a set...or can put together a unique set from your yard sale finds. The season is just beginning.

  5. Cool finds. I think that the baby mouse is actually a baby zu zu pet but i am not quite sure. Hope you had fun garage sailing!

    1. It is fun to poke around yard sales and flea market. I will have to introduce the baby ZhuZhu to our bigger one. :-)
