
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Tea Review: Republic of Tea Caramel Vanilla

A Vanilla Tea We Like

Republic of Tea Catalog Bonus

One of the great things about ordering tea from The Republic of Tea is the catalog. Each has a sample tea bag enclosed so you can try different flavors before purchasing. That's how we got this tea to try; as a sample in the catalog.

Caramel Vanilla

Hey, Xyra!
Why don't we try out this Caramel Vanilla tea?
Hmmm, vanilla?
Yeah. I know, but maybe we'll find one we like. I know you like caramel.
So true.
It's a "Cuppa Cake Tea" blend.
Says it's good iced too.
Okay. let's get started. The kettle is boiling.
I'll put the bag in the pot.
I'll set the timer for 4 minutes.
Look at the lovely color.
It does look really nice.
The package suggests a splash of milk.
Got it.
Smells wonderful.
Yes, it does.
Hey, it's really good. I think we've found a vanilla tea we like.
By George, I think you're right. There is a nice balance of caramel and vanilla flavor. It's smooth. Not too sweet, doesn't need sweetener either.
I bet this would be good iced in the summer. 
Yeah, we'll have to try it again then.

Happy tea drinking.

Best wishes,

Note: We are not affiliated with either American Girl or The Republic of Tea. We have not been asked to do this review, but want to share one of our favorite things with our friends. Our opinions are honest and straightforward. The links provided are purely for education purposes; no purchase is necessary. The Republic of Tea is also available in many grocery stores. Again, we are not asking you to buy anything.



  1. My mom loves the Vanilla Caramel tea from Bigelow w/ canned milk and sugar, It makes the house smell so good!

    1. I've always been afraid of the name even though Bigelow is one of our favorite brands. I bet it does make the house smell wonderful Will have to try that one too.

  2. You were nominated for both the Leibster award and the MagNeoBio award at my blog,

    1. Wow! Thank you. I will definitely get to those soon.

  3. Another wonderful sounding tea we will have to try. I love your tea posts. Please keep them coming!!

    1. Thank you. We have quite a few teas waiting for their turn in the spotlight.
