
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Farewell to Seven

Absence Explained

We have been told that apologizing for an absence is unnecessary. I suppose that is true; however, in some cases an explanation is okay. You may have seen our Google+ post asking for prayers for our dear kitty, Seven. He was in the hospital from April 19 to 23. At that time we brought him home to familiar surroundings to be cared for at home (and with our regular veterinarian), hoping all the while for his restored health. Sadly, earthly health was not restored and he passed away Monday, April 28.

Depending on how long you have been following our blog, you may remember him as one of many cabin invaders during last year's Camp Doll Diaries session.

He was/is very special to us and he will be greatly missed.

A grand thank you to all our followers for your loyalty. Please be patient as we get back up and running in blogging. We will try to catch up on all the great things you have been doing as well. 

Much love and best wishes,


  1. I am so sorry about your cat. I can't wait to read your posts again! :)

  2. I am so sorry about Seven. :( I know what it feels like to loose a pet.
    Looking forward to your posts. :)
    In a while!!
    Aliah from A Little Of This, A Little Of That.

    1. Thank you, Aliah. Working on a new post to be up shortly.

  3. I was getting worried about you and your family. I check your blog everyday and was concerned about your absence. I will pray for your comfort at this time. My cat had cancer years ago and I know the pain.

    1. Thank you so very much, Linda. We greatly appreciate your thoughts and prayers and empathy. Sending hugs to you.

  4. It is fine. I understand. I lost pet 8 year ago. It took 3 years to resume normal for us. I guess the older you are the harder it can be. Seven will always be in your heart & memories.

    1. I can believe that it took three years. They do stay with us no matter what - we just can't cuddle them any more. At least not until we get to rainbow bridge.
