
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Winterthur and Downton Abbey III

Winterthur Museum,Garden, and Library

Downton Abbey Costume Exhibit

the conclusion of our trip to Winterthur for the Downton Abbey costume exhibit and tea!

Garden Tour

We headed back to the visitor center and hopped on the garden tram for a tour before 3 o’clock tea. The tram was full so I sat on Xyra’s lap.
The gardens were so pretty. A lot of the are still looked like winter, but the green grass and flowers and trees that were blooming shouted SPRING!


Then it was off to tea. A footman took our name and seated us. Everyone had their own tea-for-one set and could choose their tea from a section in the center of the table. Then one of the maids would come take care of keeping our tea hot and directing us to the buffet.
We had the Winterthur Afternoon Tea from Eastern Shore Tea Company! (Remember the raven/black current and blood orange teas we reviewed. That company created this blend.)
There were finger sandwiches, stuffed mushrooms, tartlets (we didn’t take the tartlets), and cauliflower soup for the savory course.
Of course, the sweet course had a lot to our liking. Scones with lemon curd, petit fours, cookies, maple horns, chocolate mousse tartlets, chocolate covered strawberries, shortbread, and coconut macaroons (didn’t take any of those either).

We were having a grand time visiting and while finishing our tea I had to have one more blueberry petit fours. They were sooooo good!

Heading Home

These were my favorite flower today. I think we should plant some at home.

Hope you had a great time with us.

Have a great day!

Best wishes,

Additional helpful links:
Visiting Downton



  1. Cool! Make sure to check out my blog at:

    1. We like your blog, Aliah. Just haven't haven't been up to reading blogs lately. Slowly getting back to them.

  2. What are maple horns? They sound delightful. Another Eastern Shore tea to look into! I am so happy you introduced me to this tea company. After I purchased their spearmint blend, I think it is called Moroccan Mint, my son realized it is the brand they use at his favorite local restaurant, The Lost Dog Cafe. This reminds me that I need to do a Tea Time with Frankie (Frankenstein) post on my personal blog about the Moroccan Mint, and the Starry Night blend (chocolate and hazelnut). Cheers to Eastern Shore. :)

    1. The maple horns are kind of like a cannoli but with a flackier pastry outside. They are shaped like a cornucopia and filled with a delightful maple cream. In the picture above with the tasted sweets it has the large sugar crystals.

      Thank you for the warning on Moroccan Mint. I'm not fond of spearmint. Agreed - cheers to Eastern Shore!
