
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Carson City Nevada Part 7

Last Day

Heading to the Airport

After lunch Opa Hans, Gramma Enne, Great Aunt Bunny Sue, Xyra and I piled into the car and headed to the airport. This is some of the great scenery we said goodbye to.

Reno Airport

Reno airport is really nice, much smaller than Philadelphia so check in went more quickly than we expected. This time we had pre-check and could go to the quick line. No one was using bins and Xyra couldn't find one. The women behind her were complaining about how long it was taking (even though it was only about 10 minutes) and Xyra didn't want to hold them up...she finally caught the eye of the one TSA gurad who pointed out the bins under the conveyor. Whew! We were both a bit nervous that I might get stuck going through if I wasn't in a bin.

Once through we waited for Bunny Sue and headed to our gates. We found hers first then the three of us went back to our gate to visit. The plane hadn't arrived yet, so we had lots of time to take a couple of pictures.

On Our Way

We got our favorite seat. But this was a full plane, so both seats next to us were full.

When we headed west our connection was in Chicago; going home it was through Phoenix. I got super excited becuase that's where Steampunk Addie lives! Isn't her area pretty too? I couldn't help but look out the window taking in everything.

Sadly, Xyra had to be a bit rude to the people sitting with us. (The only drawback to the window seat). They didn't move at all and when Xyra looked up and saw no one in the aisle ahead she asked if they had a connection. When they said, "Yes, at 5:50." She said, "Ours is at 5:15." They still didn't move so she added, "Can we move?" I think the people behind our row were waiting for us to do something too because they were still back there. Weird.

Once off the plane, we found our gate (it was easier than we thought), used the restroom, and did a bit of shopping. Aren't these cute?
The next store had a great Phoenix sculpture on the wall.
The clerk helped us get a really good picture.
Bye, Addie! (We didn't get to see her, but it was fun knowing we were in her home airport.)

In the Air Again

Here we go!

Another full plane.

Beautiful sunset.

And these are the lights of Philadelphia! (We're still practicing with night shots.) 
We're home...well sort of. We're in Pennsylvania anyway.

When you travel, is there something special you must do or see to really feel like you are home? Whether it is day or night, seeing Philadelphia out the plane window always brings a "home" feeling to me. 

Come back tomorrow for the final trip post.

Best wishes,


  1. Again, love your pictures! Glad your home and it looks like you had tons of fun!

  2. Great pictures! Loved all the things you shared.
