
Saturday, March 29, 2014

Carson City Nevada Part 4

The Big Day (Part 2 of 3)

Nevada State Railroad Museum

The Annex

This section has displays as well as items in the restoration process.
So many different things. Let's start with this locomotive. The #25.

It's a Baldwin from Philadelphia too.
This model power plant made me think of Franz. (We missed him.) He'd like this.

Xyra's favorite is the velocipede.

It sits right next to another favorite...the motor car or speeder.

This one definitely needs some work.

The attendant let me go through this beautiful coach. Check out the wooden shutters.
And the glass and paint details. Our trains now aren't this pretty.

This stove is how they used to heat the cars. Every coach, caboose, and combine has one.
These are narrow gauge cars that were used for mining.
This is a huge lamp. I think it might be a headlight.
After checking out the annex, I went to the Mckeen car. Gramma and Opa's anniversary celebration will be held in here. Lots of seating for guests. This end has a curved bench seat that runs along the back.

There are regular seats too, but they only face one direction. Most train seats will flip.
Check out this beautiful mirror. And the windows are round portholes like ships have.

The baggage door was open and I could look outside.
This is the engine room.
Here you can see the full car.
It's fun to pose on the cow catcher.

The museum has a turntable. Not one for records, but to turn around engines and other railroad cars.

Here's the McKeen car outside the round house.
The ceremony was beautiful and fun. The soloist sang two lovely pieces. Enne had a long-stemmed rose and a clean hanky. Almost everyone had a commemorative shirt. After the ceremony we headed off to the reception luncheon.

Come back tomorrow to learn about lunch.

Best wishes,


  1. Looks like you had fun!
    Vote for the AG Choice Awards here:

    1. Very much so, thanks.
      Will try to check it out as soon as we can.

  2. Love your pics. My brother and I really love trains

    1. Thank you. If you're ever out west, put the NSRM on your list of places to go. :)

  3. One of my favorite church hymns is Amazing Grace! Isn't God's grace really amazing!

  4. Now I need to visit this train museum. How cool were those cars? We have a few train pieces in different towns. We have a caboose & train museum in our old Depot, where I grew up there is a Pullman car, & another place I visit has an engine & a huge depot along with a big celebration in May each year. It is nice to see other trains in other places. They are all different.

    1. They are. Except for some of the standard equipment every railroad is a bit different. It is neat to see the differences. When you go, head up to Virginia City too. There is a branch of the NSRM up there with a train ride that runs from Virginia City to Gold Hill (and maybe beyond by now). It's a nice ride.
