
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Carson City Nevada Part 2

Sleeping Quarters

There were so many people in the house that no more beds were available. That's okay. Xyra knew to pack my sleeping bag. 
There was a nice spot right next to the chess pieces - I felt secure surrounded by Cocoa, two castles/rooks, and two knights. Cocoa snuggled close to me and woke me in the morning.

Getting Ready

Xyra, Auntie Mame, and I slept in the living room. So in the morning we'd grab our gear and head to one of the bathrooms to change. 
What should I wear today?


It was nice to let my hair down after having it braided so long, but that is the easiest style for plane travel. Cocoa and I looked out the back door to the mountains while breakfast was being set out. 
The house is in a lovely are and the mountains are stunning.
After breakfast I tried to look over our email, but we were already so far behind I gave up.
[We're still trying to catch up, but I think we will be done shortly.]

Another Arrival

After breakfast, LeeLee and Mae went to pick up Great Aunt Bunny Sue. It didn't take them long at all. Then everyone went to In & Out Burger for lunch and Costco to pick up the cake for Saturday and some other a big bag of Cuties. Xyra was disappointed they only had the Bitty Baby animal packs, but her disappointment was short lived...she bought Frozen instead.

Around the Neighborhood

After lunch we took a walk around the neighborhood. Out west gated communities are poplar. There is a nice park in the middle of this one.
The forsythia's are blooming. This one is so bright and it is nice and tidy.
Since Nevada is a desert state, rocks are used a lot in landscaping.
Desert grasses are too.
This climbing vine was fun to get into. Cocoa kept trying, but she couldn't make it as far as I could.

Then we found another neat rock formation.

Between that vine and the wind...I needed to brush my hair again after the walk.

You know I love pink, so I had to climb this tree.

This one will be my new, spring profile picture.
Back at the house we stopped to look at the frog sculptures.

Rest of the Night

After our walk, Aunt LeeLee showed us videos of Postmodern Jukebox. They are very talented. We read some more and got ready for dinner. Two more joined us...that's a total of 9 for dinner. We had spaghetti with Italian bread and salad. Really tasty. Then we played cards (Hearts or Garbage depending on your table). Between games we had angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream for dessert. Super yummy!

It was a fun day. We were all ready for bed that night.

Come back again tomorrow for more.

Best wishes,


  1. Loved the pictures especially the one in the tree! Looks like your having fun!!

    1. Thank you. I love climbing trees. For this one it was good Xyra was there to give me a boost. ;-)

  2. Replies
    1. They're pretty. Gramma Enne says it's not quite as brilliant this week as it was last.

  3. Pretty pictures! I like your outfit.

  4. Very cute. I like Melody's outfit and I love the photos of her in the tree too!

    1. Thank you. And congratulations on having your suitcase post as a DD Pick of the week. :)
