
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

New Tea From Eastern Shore

Eastern Shore Tea - Blood Orange Tea

Haley, Xyra

Haley, are you ready for tea?
Only if it's the new one.
Isn't this a cute little package. I love how it is tied shut with a red-orange ribbon.
The blood orange tea is blended by Eastern Shore Tea Company. We found their ribbon bag teas at Wegmans. 
Remember the Black Raven tea?
Yeah, that's awesome. Oh, my goodness. Just opening the bag smells wonderful. I can't wait to try this tea.
The water is almost ready.
The back of the package tells you a little bit about the tea.
And, look, there is a recipe for sorbet too.
Maybe we'll try that in the summer.
This isn't loose leaf tea. Each tea bag is in a foil wrapper like this one.
Will we mix it up with the Black Raven?
No, see the foil wraps are different.
These are tagless tea bags, so make sure you have a spoon or tea bag squeezer handy.
Did you set the timer?
Yes, it's set for 5 minutes.
Great, go gather your books together.
(Timer beeping)
All done steeping. Look at the rich color.
It smells great!
Tastes great too!
Did you put sugar in the cup?
No, but it's really good without sweetener. Great orange flavor; and not bitter or sour.
Next time we could try it with a little honey or agave or sugar in the raw. But just a little. Lid is on...ready to go!
We like tea in the morning. What is your favorite morning beverage?

Reminder: With citrus teas you do not want to add milk. The acid will curdle the milk and spoil your tea.

Have a great day!


  1. that looks so good

  2. Cool! I like tea, this post is so cute, great job. :)
    Grace xxx ♥ ;) P.S I have don my next post, you know what it is about! :)

  3. Hi Xyra and Haley,

    My doll mom likes tea, (but I prefer cocoa, but like icced tea). Her favorite brands are Celestial Seasons and Bigelow. For hot tea, she likes Blueberry (I get that one when I'm sick), Vanilla Caramel and Egg Nog'n (both with canned milk). For iced tea, she likes to use fruit teas like berry or peach. She likes to make Sun Tea by putting a jar in our back yard. And we like it sweet!

    1. We like Bigelow too and some of the Celestial Seasons.
      Blueberry tea is wonderful. We use that a lot for iced tea. Raspberry and peach too. Sun tea is amazing.

  4. I bought the Raven black currant tea, last month, after reading your blog post about it (a little late, I know). I didn t get a chance to taste it because I sent it to my cousin in N. Carolina for a Valentine's Day surprise. He loves Edgar Alan Poe and it was a nice addition to the raven valentine I found for him. I bought another bag for me and my son, but we haven't gotten around to making it yet. I opened one of the foil packages to see what it smells like and the aroma is heavenly. I have been using the tea bag as a bookmark! This blood orange tea sounds delicious, too. I am going to pick some up on my next trip to Wegmans. Eastern Shore should send you a complementary sampler for telling people about their product! :)

    1. Love the Black Raven and if you think that smells wonderful...this smells just as heavenly.

      That would be awesome. :-)

  5. I finally had the Raven blackcurrant tea. You are right, it only needs about half of what you would normally use of sugar, or sweetener. Now you are going to cringe... I put half and half in it, as I do all if my tea! It was DELICIOUS!! I was sipping while reading and it was like drinking liquid candy. I bought some of the Blood Orange on Saturday, but my son will be the only one drinking it hot because I have to have dairy in mine. I am going to make iced tea with it. Again, I am using one of the teabags as an aroma therapy bookmark. It does smell just as heavenly as the blackcurrant.

    1. Only a slight cringe. ;-) Everyone likes their tea differently. So glad to hear you are enjoying the tea. the blood orange will make a great iced tea for the summer (if it ever arrives).

  6. You have me hooked on these teas now. I looked at the company's list and I think next I will get the ginger pear flavor. :)

    1. Haha! I know what you mean. A couple of my tea tins are empty so I need to make a trip to Wegmans. Who knows what I'll end up with?
