
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Finally Packed

The Not So Way Back Machine

We're back from Gramma Enne and Opa Hans' house. We had a great time and are ready to show you everything. So jump in our "not so way back machine" to relive last week with us.


Never an easy task especially when you are leaving winter temperatures for spring. However, with the help of Clarisse's Closet and various weather reports and my sisters I narrowed down my outfits and finished packing,

The only things not pictured are Cocoa and my sleeping bag. Yep, Cocoa went along too. Next post will really start the journey.

Thank you for your patience in our absence. We hope you won't be disappointed in our trip.

Best wishes,


  1. Looks like you took a lot of great outfits with you!

    1. The only thing I didn't wear was the short sleeve denim shirt. I could have left that at home.

  2. What post(s) did you use on Clarisse's Closet did you use? I want to go on a trip but I don't know how much to pack or anything. ~ Saige <3

  3. Sorry, we just kind of browsed through the recent posts and focused on the outfits featuring different layers then tried to figure out what we had that could be used in a similar way. I took one too many shirts, but used everything else.
