
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Carson City Nevada Part 5

The Big Day (Part 3 of 3)

Luncheon Reception

Red's Old 395

After the ceremony, Aunties LeeLee and Mae drove Xyra and me over to Reds Old 395 Grill. What a place. It's really neat. If you're driving down the road you can't miss the windmill portion. Quite the landmark.
We had a room to ourselves. It was really neat. The mantle was lined with  books. So of course, I had to check it out. [If you want to see more about this room, check out the Reds Old 395 Highlights page.]

We each had a menu. There were four choices...a little something for everyone.

Auntie Mame had the pulled pork. Xyra and I chose the brisket...without the onions. It was so good we ate it all before we thought about taking a picture. The beans and cole slaw were on the plate in edible tortilla dishes. So very cool!

Aren't the roses beautiful?
The entire restaurant is filled with neat items that Franz would have loved. Like this light.
And the's kind of like the one at Coolspring [It's also on the highlights page.]
I don't think I'd want to sit under this wagon. It looks really heavy.
After lunch we had vow reaffirming cake. It was really, really good. Chocolate cake with chocolate mousse filling and white icing.
After lunch, Cocoa and had fun watching out the window and waited for the soup supper.
It was a really fun day.

Come back tomorrow to see what we did next.

Best wishes,

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Carson City Nevada Part 4

The Big Day (Part 2 of 3)

Nevada State Railroad Museum

The Annex

This section has displays as well as items in the restoration process.
So many different things. Let's start with this locomotive. The #25.

It's a Baldwin from Philadelphia too.
This model power plant made me think of Franz. (We missed him.) He'd like this.

Xyra's favorite is the velocipede.

It sits right next to another favorite...the motor car or speeder.

This one definitely needs some work.

The attendant let me go through this beautiful coach. Check out the wooden shutters.
And the glass and paint details. Our trains now aren't this pretty.

This stove is how they used to heat the cars. Every coach, caboose, and combine has one.
These are narrow gauge cars that were used for mining.
This is a huge lamp. I think it might be a headlight.
After checking out the annex, I went to the Mckeen car. Gramma and Opa's anniversary celebration will be held in here. Lots of seating for guests. This end has a curved bench seat that runs along the back.

There are regular seats too, but they only face one direction. Most train seats will flip.
Check out this beautiful mirror. And the windows are round portholes like ships have.

The baggage door was open and I could look outside.
This is the engine room.
Here you can see the full car.
It's fun to pose on the cow catcher.

The museum has a turntable. Not one for records, but to turn around engines and other railroad cars.

Here's the McKeen car outside the round house.
The ceremony was beautiful and fun. The soloist sang two lovely pieces. Enne had a long-stemmed rose and a clean hanky. Almost everyone had a commemorative shirt. After the ceremony we headed off to the reception luncheon.

Come back tomorrow to learn about lunch.

Best wishes,

Friday, March 28, 2014

Carson City Nevada Part 3

The Big Day (part 1 of 3)

Today we took a LOT of pictures so we are splitting today into three sections starting with...

Nevada State Railroad Museum: Carson City

After breakfast we gathered everything up and headed to the Nevada State Railroad Museum
Both Gramma Enne and Opa Hans volunteer there. Although, his name tag says Tu Tu Twain.
The museum has three parts: the interpretive center, annex, and yard. There is also a roundhouse or engine house, but visitors aren't allowed to go in there.

Interpretive Center

Inside they have a small Thomas the Tank Engine play set. I had to check it out. We fixed a lot of the the cars...most had derailed. Oh, no!
They have quite a few nicely restored cars on display here. This boxcar...
It has a lot of open space so I think it was used to transport livestock.
Yep, says so right here in the description.
Then on to this Virginia and Truckee Railroad combine.
The luggage portion is neat.
This is the tender for the Inyo.

These next few shots are me checking out the Inyo

I like it a lot because of where it was made.

Philadelphia, PA!

There is a huge grinding wheel.
Gramma Enne got a picture of Xyra straightening my dress before she took this picture.
This coach has a beautiful ceiling. I'm sorry it didn't quite turn out right.
Another locomotive is the Joe Douglass. It's a narrow gauge locomotive.

And it's a Porter.

They have smaller trains too. Here is a small model railroad.

And this one.

On the Way to The Annex

Outside the interpretive center is a wooden caboose. 
The Western Pacific caboose #657 used to sit at the Ponderosa Ranch and was the ticket booth for those heading up to breakfast camp. Gramma and Opa worked breakfast camp a few times. Xyra ate there and loved it!

It's pretty cool inside with work area, living space, and sleeping quarters.

Then it was off for a handcar ride. Opa was in charge part of today. 
Apparently, I am too short, but I got a few pictures anyway. 
Then I headed over to this photo op spot with Whistlin' Billy.

There is so much more...I think we should stop here and show more tomorrow. Hope you don't mind. See you tomorrow.

Best wishes,

Note: The links provide further information on the rolling stock and displays mentioned in our trip to the Nevada State Railroad Museum in Carson City. If you are or have a train lover in your family, check them out.
