
Monday, January 20, 2014

Thanks and Updates

Thank You

Thank you for all the loving thoughts and prayers you have sent. You are all very kind and I appreciate your sympathy and empathy.

Button Woes

We have successfully added a button to the blog. What do you think?
However, we are having trouble developing the correct code for the grab it box. If anyone has the code (or one that will combine the button and box), please email it to me at melodyq2000[at]gmail[dot]com

More Thanks!

Thank you for the Grab My Button Code Generator reference, Claire M.! It worked wonderfully! :-D I highly suggest it to all bloggers!

Thank you very much for your help!

A photo story is on the way.Much love and many hugs!


  1. Here is a really good website for making a button:

    It works every time!
