
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Shhh, Don't Tell The Girls

Arrived the Other Day

Sorry the pictures are on the dark side; I was trying to be stealthy. Better pictures after Christmas.

Our wonderful lap desk arrived from Amaya (Fun with AGFan) and The Shop on Leighton Avenue!
There was really nice letter (great letterhead).
It is beautifully wrapped.
Very sturdy and well constructed.

This will be great under the Christmas tree! I can't wait for Melody and the others to open it and put it to use.

Thank you again for choosing us to win the giveaway.

Have a great day!


  1. Cool! I hope they get lots of use out of it!

  2. Congratulations! I entered that giveaway too. :) I just recently won a giveaway from her blog too! I won the second package in the recent two- winner giveaway!
    P.S. Can you do a blog post with what you won from my blog?

    1. Congratulations!

      I'm sorry your missed it. Your post is this one:
      Or We Have Mail! in the December list of posts.

  3. I hope everyone enjoys the lap desk!! Its sooooo cute!!

  4. You are very lucky! I like the pattern.
