
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Santa Lucia Eve

Kirsten’s Christmas Tradition

Tomorrow is Santa Lucia Day. This tradition started in Scicily and spread to Scandanavia and other parts of Europe. It’s not a big a deal in the US unless your ancestors are from one of those countries. Saint Lucy (Santa Lucia) was blinded and killed because she gave most of her dowry to the poor. She is patron saint of the blind. But she is also celebrated for binging light to the darkness.

Originally Santa Lucia Day fell on the first day of winter/Christmas, but when the Julien calendar was retired it shifted forward 11 days to December 13.

The eldest daughter is chosen as the Lucia bride and wears the white robe with red sash and a wreath of candles on her head. If she has siblings they have a part too. All wear white gowns, the girls have garland in their hair and around their waists while the boys wear paper cone hats and carry stars.

Xyra got me the year I was retired, but could only get a few items from my collection. Sadly, my Santa Lucia gown, wreath, and tray were not among them. However, Lady Vanyer came to the rescue and the artist who created Melody’s Kimono was commissioned to make the festive wear. :-)

Her name is Virgina Gaudiello. Her clothes range in price from $10-$40 and she is willing to do commissions/requests. You can contact her through ArtFusion19464 in Pottstown, PA.

She does awesome work. Today I want to show you all she did for me (us).
This is the entire outfit.
The white gown is made of a really soft flannel. It is trimmed in lace and has a red satin sash.
Here is a close up of the lace.
Another of the sleeve and the belt loop (so I don’t lose the sash).
The gown has a snap closure. I love that. Velcro pulls my hair.
These are the little red and white stockings (socks) she made.
Aren’t they cute? Just perfect for this festival.
She included red hair ribbons. Rascal! Leave the ribbon alone!
But this is just the tip of the iceberg…she also made the wreath. Isn’t it cool?
Some say it should be holly leaves others say lingonberry leaves. Holly would be really picky.
This one is made of ivy so it reminds me of the Christmas Carol...The Holly and the Ivy.

That’s all for today. Come back again tomorrow to see me as the Lucia Bride.
Have a great day!

Note: Tomorrow, while the wreath does have real candles, we will not be lighting them. Open flames and dolls don't mix. Even in Sweden they are now using electric candles for Sanat Lucia wreaths.

Santa Lucia Day Research

American Girl: Kirsten Larson Kirsten’s Surprise and Santa Lucia Outfit



  1. That is very interesting and the gown is so pretty. I can't wait to see it on her tomorrow.

    1. Thank you. It will be the first time she wears it. :-D
