
Monday, November 25, 2013

What a Surprise Part 2

Melody, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Xyra, All

What is this?
Where did it come from?
Looks interesting.
There is another box inside.
Madame Alexander?

A New Sister! Wow!

Hurry! Let's help her out!
Five plastic twist ties on her limbs and neck plus thread holding her hair.
Oh, that had to be annoying.
(stretching) Mmmm, that is much better. Hi, I'm Haley.
Cute outfit. I'm Kirsten.
Thank you. Nice to meet you.
I'm Melody. Please turn for us.
Sure. Nice to meet you.
Look at all that hair. Oh, I'm Kaya.
Thank you. Nice to meet you.
I'm Lanie. Don't forget to take off the clear plastic headband.
Thank you, I forgot it was there. And nice to meet you.
(laughing) BB is checking you out.
She's cute.
So your sweater has a velcro closure in front.
Underneath you're wearing a white sleeveless tee and jeans with big fluffy boots.
Yes. it's really comfy and warm.
Your hair is beautiful, but needs some work.

Does it?
Yes, but that can be done another day.

Welcome to the Silverleaf family!

Haley was a pleasant surprise gift from her friend Lady Doli. We really never expected to get another sister. What a blessing?! Friends are a wonderful gift from God. We are so very thankful that Lady Doli thought to give her to us.

Haley does need a middle name. Any suggestions?

Have a great day!


  1. A middle name could be Alexis or Amy :)

    1. Hmmm, those have potential. H.A.S.
      Thank you for some ideas.

  2. I love her hair do! For possible middle names, I would go with Nellie, or Scarlet.

    1. Those have potential too. H.N.S. or H.S.S.
      Not touching that front, crown braid ever. I don't think I could redo it. But will definitely be trying to tame the rest.

  3. Cool! My sister and I both have a Madame Alexander. I like her outfit! And , as for middle names, what about Lila?

    1. The outfit is perfect for right now. We are to get snow today. And for the upcoming season.
      I like Lila too. H.L.S.
      I think we'll have to have a drawing.

  4. Replies
    1. That's two votes for Alexis.
      I do think a drawing is in order. Will collect all ideas until Friday and announce on Monday.

  5. She's really pretty! How about Rose for a middle name?

    1. Hmmm, Haley Rose. H.R.S.
      Yep, will definitely need a drawing for this one.
