
Thursday, November 7, 2013


Good News!

Melody, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie (Mixed colors means two speaking at one time.)

Have you noticed any difference in the pictures we post? If not that’s okay. They always look good to us. (Except the really blurry ones and we don't usually post them.)

Why do we ask? We got a new camera. Xyra got a new camera. So very exciting and we’ve been using it (Xyra's been using it. Okay, okay. I think they understand what I mean.) since late October. 

Xyra and Franz came to an impasse one week when both needed the camera and they were going to be on two different sides of the state. So Xyra did the research and Franz paid the bill. Why doesn’t he have the new one? Because, while they share the new laptop, it is primarily his and she uses one that is 10 years old. So it seemed fair for her to have the newer camera as she takes the most pictures. (So true. Agreed.)

Both cameras are Cannon PowerShots. The new one is an A1400. 

Xyra took these close ups of us from 6 feet away.

And she took these of Tabitha who was sitting right next to her. 

I think pictures of bracelets and other accessories will be much clearer now.

Have a great day!


  1. I HAVE THE SAME CAMERA!!! It's pink:)

  2. Neat! We wanted the pink one, but it was a last minute purchase and only black was available for in-store pick up.

    Don't you just love it though? ":-)

  3. Amazing camera! I'm asking for a digital camera for Christmas this year. I hope that I get one!

    1. It makes things a bit easier.
      Best wishes on getting your camera.
