
Monday, October 7, 2013

Fall Fruit

Fall at the Local Farm Market (or Fruit Stand)

We have one that is very near us, Stauffer's Farm Market. 
You can find it in Pennsburg on Rt 663 between King and Hill Roads very close to the Strawberry House restaurant.

Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Melody, Xyra

Check out these cool little pumpkins.
And the bales of hay and scarecrows.
And corn!
Find your favorite pumpkin.
These are great too. A little too big for us, but perfect for Xyra.
Let’s find one for her.
 What about this one? Or this one?
I like this one?

What Else Can You Find There?

Check out all the jam and jelly!
 Which is your favorite?
Oh, apple butter! I love apple butter. And Bauman's is the best – all natural, no preservatives or artificial anything.
They demonstrated at the Goschenhoppen Folk Festival. Xyra says they are there every year.

Speaking of Apples

Find your favorite apple!
I like these Mutusu.
Jonagold is my favorite.
I can’t decide. I like Jonathan and Macoun.
Cortlands are my favorite.
Time to head out…take everything to the register.

Back Home

They look great on the front porch.
We can decorate them for Halloween!
That's another day!

Happy Autumn! Have a great day!



  1. Hi Melody, I think you take wonderful pictures that tell a story. Great imagination. I liked seeing your dolls in the pumpkins.

    1. Thank you very much. It's fun to try and think up new stories and things for the girls (dolls) to do.

  2. That looks like fun. We usually go to a farm like that every fall, and I can't wait to go this year.

    1. I hope you get the best pumpkin of the bunch. Have a great time choosing.
