
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Gorgeous Sunday!

What A Gorgeous Sunday!

The blue sky is blue. The sun in shining. A lovely breeze is blowing. (Okay that last one poses a challenge.)

Key for the following photo story:

It's too nice to stay inside today.
What do you have in mind?
Hmmm.  Let's have a picnic by the lake. We need to change clothes.
I'll get the others...and gather our gear.
This is a great spot! What a great idea, Lanie.
Thanks. I'm glad Kirsten reminded me to grab the sit upons.
Yeah, I'm glad I thought of them too.
Look at these great boulders to climb on. And I think I see a good spot for lunch.
If it is where I think it is, we may not need the sit upons. 

Hmmm, let's think about this a bit. The wind is pretty gusty.
We got it! Now lunch is ready. You okay down there, Lanie?
Yep! And I get to use my sit upon. Someone please pass a cupcake.

Pack up everything and let's go exploring!

Oh, look! Turtles! I like turtles.
Of course, you do. We all do. We like all animals.
Do you think we can take them back to the cabin?
No way. They need to stay in their natural home.

Hey, check out this butterfly bush. Isn't it great! it's right on the water.
Be careful you don't slip, Lanie!
Oh, look at this!

What is it Mel?
A tiny blue and white flower. Just adorable. (Look closely, it is in the center of the picture.)
Look what I found! A great shady spot! 
The tree roots are really cool.
Our turtle friends are following us. (Can you find them?)
It's nice to just sit here and listen to the water lapping at the shore and the rustling of the tree leaves.
Darn! Someone left trash behind.
That's not nice!
And a garbage can is right nearby. That's just plain laziness.
I got it! (We picked up three pieces of trash and put them in the trash can.)
Let's head back.

One of my favorite things about being at camp is meeting new friends and trading with them.
Yeah, these doll trading cards are great!
We've collected 34 so far!
Keep a tight grip on them...the wind will take them away. :) 

That's all for today! We hope you liked our outing to the lake.

You can still get in on Camp Doll Diaries. This link will take you to the Week 10 supply list. Looks like we'll be baking! :)

Have a great day!
Best wishes,

#CampDolldiaries #Week10Supplies #Dolldiaries #Picnicbythelake


  1. I love it! How did they carry all that stuff to the beach???

    1. The picnic basket really did hold all the food and plates and stuff. The sit upons are easy to carry over your shoulder. [And Xyra did all the heavy lifting using a Thirty-One Large Utility Tote.]

  2. Loved the trip to the beach.

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I'm glad you enjoyed the trip.

  3. Great photostory! I love the picnic!

    1. Thank you for stopping. I'm glad you enjoyed the picnic.

  4. Found the frogs by the tree roots as you said. The water is beautiful. Good to see the lake again. Gramma Enne
