
Monday, August 12, 2013

Folk Festival Part 1

Big Weekend!

As I mentioned yesterday, this was a big weekend! It was the 47th Annual Goschenhoppen (pronounced: gosh-n-hop-n) Folk Festival. What’s that you ask? Well, it’s an event that depicts Pennsylvania German folklife from the 18th & 19th centuries as authentically as possible.

18th century = 1700s; 19th century = 1800s. So think Kaya, Felicity, Elizabeth, Caroline, Cecile, Marie-Grace, Kirsten, and Addy only the story here is of the German settlers in a region of southeastern Pennsylvania. Actually, Addy’s story could have included contact with this group of people since the area of focus is 50 - 60 miles outside of Philadelphia.

These show this year’s broadside. Actually this is the smaller leaflet ad.

As there are close to 50 pictures to share, I am making it a week-long photo story. I really hope you enjoy it. We’ll begin last Thursday night. (Sorry, no pictures for this part.)

Key: Xyra, Melody, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie

So anyone want to come to Goschenhoppen?
(laughing) No thanks. I’m pretty familiar with all those skills.
Yes, I guess you would be with many, but not all. Remember these are Pennsylvania German skills and trades not Swedish.
Not this year. Maybe next year.
I’d like to go…but I’m not feeling all that well.
I’m sorry to hear that, Lanie. You should definitely get some rest then. Don’t watch too much TV.
I'd love to go.
Let’s see if we can find you something to wear. I wish I had an 18th century outfit for you to wear. You know, one like mine.
That would be fun. Maybe Kirsten would lend me something.
Hey, that’s a great idea! Come on over to my closet. [Rummaging through closet.]
You girls work on that while I iron my outfit.
There! You look great!
Thank you this will be fun!
Very nice! Thank you, Kirsten. Let me just re-braid your hair.

Friday morning…
I’m ready and raring to go.
The forecast doesn't look all that great. I think you should wait until Saturday. I know you like to watch the rain, but there is no good shelter for you there and I wouldn't want you to get wet.
Okay. That sounds like a good plan.

Saturday morning…
Time to go!
 I’ve got the tea!

We’re here!
What a beautiful house!
That is the HenryAntes House. The festival is set on his plantation.
 What is going on here by the flag?
This group represents the soldiers and encampment from the Revolutionary War. While you may not have studied all the locations in this area I know you are familiar with Valley Forge. We aren’t far from there.
Neat! But let’s get a closer look at the main house.
Be careful on that window sill.
What a lovely view of the garden. What is that other thing?
That’s the bake oven. That was where the baking and drying was done. Much of the other cooking was done at the kitchen hearth stove.
Let’s go take a closer look at the garden.
Lanie would love this. Too bad she’s not feeling well.
Maybe we should take her one of these remedies.
(chuckling) I think she just needs to rest a bit.
Look at the neat honey jars.
And are those bee hives.
Yes, they are. The Pennsylvania Germans would weave these grass hives and use the honey for lots of things. The different kinds would have different flavors and colors. The most frequently found honeys include clover (which is most common today; you can get it at grocery stores), alfalfa, buckwheat, and wildflower.
All this talk of honey is making me hungry.
Yes, we haven’t had our breakfast yet, have we? Let’s go take a look around. This is the bake sale.
These look yummy!
They are! Those are Funny Cakes.
Funny cakes?
Yes, it is a white sponge cake in a pie crust with a layer of chocolate between the two. The funny part is you actually pour the chocolate on top before baking and it sinks to the bottom.
Wow! Hey, you've made them before, right? And Great Aunt Lanie sometimes makes raspberry funny cakes too?
Yes, that's right.  To the left behind you are sticky buns.
Kirsten knows about them, right.
Yes, she does; well a Swedish version. Then further back are crumb buns. I like “stickies” better. And next to the crumb buns…you can just see them, are AP Cakes. Some call them Apeas or Apey cake and some call it hard tack. LOVE them too.
You make them a lot at home.
Yes, it’s so very easy to do. But I don’t think this is what we should have right now. Leftovers would get crushed before we got them home. Let’s go next door for a Fastnacht.
Oh, I love them. I thought they were just for before Ash Wednesday.
Well, Fastnacht day and festival weekend. Our ancestors did make them more frequently. They are best with a bit of molasses.
Super tasty!

Tune in tomorrow for the next part of our Goschenhoppen adventure.

I will post the recipes for Funny Cake and AP Cake and Sticky Buns and Fastnachts separately.

Please click the links that appear through out the story. There is much more information than I can give you here; I'm sharing just the basics.

#Goschenhoppenfolkfestival #PennsylvaniaGerman #AntesHousePlantation


  1. Wow, great pictures. The first one is my favorite. And that funny cake sounds good!

  2. Thank you. :-)
    More awesome pictures tomorrow.
