
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Banana Bread, Anyone?

This week at Camp Doll Diaries: Week 10-Sweets, Treats & More Fun with Doll Food.
First, you have to see the coffee shop craft! It's a multi-part post that started yesterday. Brandy has some great ideas and skills! I shared it on google+ yesterday, but if you don't google+...

We like to have the doll food, but we also like to have the real thing at our tea parties. So we wanted a great recipe we could whip up quickly with ingredients we had on hand. Mainly 2 really ripe bananas.

Xyra found Gramma Enne's Banana Bread recipe* so we cleaned up (hair tied back, hands washed, etc.) and gathered the ingredients.

1/2 cup butter (1 stick), softened
3/4 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
dash each: allpsice, ground cinnamon, and nutmeg
1 cup mashed banana (2 medium bananas)

Xyra preheated the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Grease a 9 inch loaf pan. Lanie and I greased the stoneware loaf pan with butter. Made sure we got the corners and bottom. There is nothing worse than having the finished product get stuck in the pan.

In a small bowl mash the bananas. Kaya was in charge of mashing the bananas. She used a Pampered Chef Pastry Blender. Looks odd, huh? They have since restored the product shape with one the majority of people are familiar. It's a good tool, great for this, but you can also use a fork or blender.

In a large bowl, cream together the butter, sugar, and vanilla until light and fluffy. Kirsten did the measuring. First the sugar. Xyra did the mixing. Oh, but I was in charge of the vanilla. Doesn't Kirsten look cute in her apron and shoes?

In a medium bowl, sift together the dry ingredients. We didn't use the sifter this time, it was easier for Kirsten to use a whisk.

To the butter mixture add half the dry ingredients and mix until blended. Then add half the banana. Repeat until all dry ingredients and banana are mixed in.

Pour the batter into the loaf pan. Pop the pan in the oven for 40 minutes until golden brown and a wooden pick inserted comes out clean. [Note: we started with 30 minutes then added 10 minutes. Depending on your oven and pan you may need an hour.]

We cleaned up and got the cooling rack ready. Want to lick the bowl or beaters? Go eggs in this recipe! Yummy!

When it was done. We let it cool in the pan 10 minutes. Then turned it out to finish cooling on the rack. We covered it with a tea towel overnight.

In the morning we cut it and had a great breakfast. It's good plain, with butter, with peanut butter, or nutella.


Have a great day!

Best wishes,

* We made a couple of tweaks to the recipe and added the vanilla and spices. You can skip them if you want.



  1. Delicious!
    Heather, Dorothy and I baked Cinnamon rolls yesterday!

  2. Loved this. Kirsten's shoes are sweet. Great instructions. This recipe came from Gramma Enne's friend Carey. The finished bread looks delicious. Great baking girls.

  3. Ooh! That looks really yummy!!!
