
Monday, July 22, 2013

Super Surprise! Plus

Felt Like a Birthday Present

Most of you know we follow Doll Diaries (you probably do yourself) and we have been participating in the Camp Doll Diaries activities. The other day, while catching up on posts we got a fabulous surprise in seeing Tea Time with Melody Q mentioned in the Picks of the Week Ending July 20.

We laughed, cheered, did a happy dance, left a grateful comment on the post, and emailed Gramma Enne (you'll hear more about her later). Then we went back and looked at the other featured blogs. What creativity and resourcefulness is out there?! We're following a few more blogs now.

Thank you to Hannah at Hannah's Hangout for introducing us to blogging and Doll Diaries.
And another thank you to Doll Diaries.

Royal Baby Watch Almost Complete

Big news from across the pond...there is a new Prince in the Royal Family! We don't know the name yet, but it was reported that the baby boy is 8 pounds 6 ounces. For more click here. Now we are just waiting to here his name. We raise a cup of English Breakfast tea to the royal family and the new baby!

Camp Week 8: In the Castle

Looking forward to all the great activities that will accompany the celebration of camp and they Royal birth.

Fabulous Giveaway!

Amaya at Fun with AG Fan has reached her 25 followers and is hosting a great giveaway sponsored by Mandy Sew Sweet

Head on over to see what you need to do to be in the running to win a gorgeous summer dress for your 18" doll.

Product Review: My Life Clear Sandals

Walmart has their own line of 18" dolls call My Life. We have the pink tea set from there (see our birthday post from January). Last time we stopped by we saw lots of cute shoes for a low price. The shoes are cute, fit well, and have neat detailing.

[Please forgive the pictures, the lighting was a bit off when I took these.]

However, there are two drawbacks. First, when we opened the package an intense plastic smell lingered in the air for a long time. the no longer smell, but those first few minutes were rather icky! Second, the plastic is rigid. There is little flexibility so putting them on and taking them off is a little difficult. I can't imagine trying to put on boots made of the same plastic.

Long post today! Thank you for hanging in there.
Have a great day!
Best wishes!

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