
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Back in the Cabin

We Should Have Been The Wildcat Cabin

After a great dinner we headed back to the cabin for some night time fun. As we got settled down another wildcat made herself comfortable. We're so used to the cats coming and going we don't even hide from them anymore.*

Roz had given us a create-a-story to fill out. We had fun doing it.

Lanie did the asking and writing. "I need a noun."

"Banana." Kirsten said. Then she went through the rest of the blanks. It was fun and a fun story.

I'm not sure if you can read this or not. If not, leave a comment and I'll retype it for you in another post.

Then we decided to write letters home.

Lanie wrote to Great Aunt Lanie:
Dear Aunt Lanie,
We are having such a great time here at camp. Not a dull moment.
You wouldn't like all the critters that make their way into our cabin. 
The food isn't nearly as good as yours, but we don't go hungry and our glasses are always full.
Last week we took a road trip to a botanical gardens! You would have LOVED that. Lots of coli, black-eyed susans, phlox, wisteria, and more. Just beautiful!
Thinking of you.

Kaya wrote to Nana Kestrel:
Dear Nana Kestrel,
How are you? I hear you are getting ready to go west. Have a safe trip!
We are having good time at camp. Guess what? We are in the Bison cabin. Isn't that cool? I hope you see one when you are in Wyoming.
Our cabin is always filled with wildcats and we have seen lots of birds.
And the botanical gardens trip last would have loved that too.
Best wishes,

Kirsten wrote to Gramma Enne:
Dear Gramma Enne,
How are you? We are doing fine at camp. They put us in the Bison Cabin! Isn't that the coolest?!
Our cabin seems to be in the path of many wildcats, but we don't bother them and they no longer bother us.
We get to do lots of great activities and the food is pretty good.
The nature walks and hikes are a lot of fun. We had a hobo picnic one day. And the other night we made s'mores by the campfire and caught fireflies.
Last week we went to a botanic gardens that was quite lovely. It's hot AND humid, but we get to go swimming to cool off.
Much love,

I wrote to Xyra:
Dear Xyra,
We are having a blast. Thank you so very much for the care package. I think those tea bags will last us to the end of camp. Since today we had tea at breakfast and our theme this week is In the Castle, I think we can stock up at the dining hall. 
You would love the animals around here. We are being cautious though. 
Love and hugs,

That's all for today!
Have a great night!

*Note: If these were true wildcats (bobcats, mountain lions, etc.) we would not be in the cabin with them. It is best to stay far away from real wild animals. They are beautiful, but very unpredictable and you are invading their territory no matter where you may be.

You can still go to camp. Check out the Camp Doll Diaries Activities and choose your favorites. Or click the links above to see the instructions for those activities.


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