Tysons Corner Here We Come
Two Posts in as Many Days! What?!
Yes, yes, we are behind, but definitely wanted to share this fun trip before the end of the month!
Saturday, July 15 Bev and I went with Xyra to pick up Nonna and Trinity. The five of us headed to the American Girl DC store located at Tysons Corner Center in Virginia.
It sounds like a long trip and depending on traffic it can take anywhere from 3 to 4 hours. To get there. This time it took just over 3 hours.
We listened to the Beach Boys Sirius XM channel on the way down.
As passengers the trip was great! Xyra Drove and Nonna did the navigating.
Xyra made two revelations on the way down. 1) She couldn't do it without a navigator as it gets tricky the closer you get to Tysons and 2) We could have driven to Coolspring in relatively just over an hour longer.
(sing song) Anyway! First we took the Hogwarts Express and hung out with a few students. Then we did a little shopping.
You know she said her favorite color is aqua and she has a dress that looks a lot like Melody.
Then it was off to the bistro to meet our friends.
As soon as they arrived we had to get a group shot! This was so much fun!
We shopped a little bit more.
Found this great Barbie house at the Fossil store! We asked their permission to take photos.
Back at AG we visited as long as we could! It was fun talking with everyone. Even traded some fashion tips.
At one point Xyra checked her phone for some info and exclaimed, "Wow!" Nonna looked at her quizzically. "It's 7 o'clock!"
Bye all! Hope to see you again soon!
A really great trip. We stopped on the way home to use the restroom and have a hot dog and fries. Then dropped Nonna and Trinity off.
We got home around midnight. So much fun!
Hope you enjoyed our trip! We did!
Thank you for stopping! Come again soon!
