Longwood Gardens and Friends
Hello, all! So glad you could join me today. I'm excited to share my trip to Longwood Gardens on April 22. Nonna got the tickets for 1PM entry. This was great because the day was sold out!
First thing we did was to head over to Nonna's. There Xyra, Trinity, and I piled into Nonna's car for the trip to Kennett Square, PA. Once there we met up with Nonna's sister, Kaykay, and waited for Suzi, Jesse, Z, and Jesse.
It was such a great day! So many gorgeous flowers. So You're just going to have to put up with my photo dump. There is not other way to do this post. 😄
The tulips were out! Love them!
The wisteria was a favorite of mine, even though it was just starting.
At the Italian Water Garden.
Group photos in the house.
Off to the conservatory. Well, we stopped at the cafe for lunner first, you know—lunch/dinner. Sustenance required to continue. I love the sugar cookie!
Then the grotto before heading home.
We left just in time! On the way back to Nonna's the rain hit! Boy oh boy did it pour!
Do you have a favorite flower? How about from the trip photos?
Thank you, again, for stopping by! Hope you come again soon!
