
Monday, April 25, 2022

Easter 2022

Happy Easter!

April 17 we celebrated Easter.  Orthodox Easter was April 24.  There are five more Sundays in the Easter holiday!

I got to go to church with Xyra on April 17.

The church was so pretty

Loved the carnation cross!

Then when we got home, Mel and I played with Star and watched her with her first Easter basket. 

A fun day celebrating the resurrection.  Christ is risen!  Christ is risen indeed, alleluia!

Do you celebrate?  What did you do that day?  What is your favorite thing about Easter?

Thank you for stopping by!  Have a great day!


Wednesday, April 20, 2022

A Visit and Experience

Kaya Heads to the Franklin Institute

Harry Potter:  The Exhibition!

Oh. My. Gosh!  So much fun!  This was an awesome day!

As we made our way to the exhibit the ramp was decorated with Hogwarts banners!

Gringott's vault door.

The book that started it all.  Please note as this exhibit is traveling through the US they are displaying the US version of the first book not the UK version.  Kind of goofy, but better than having the HP non-book fans question the Philosopher's Stone.

This was cool.  We all had wristbands and when you tapped them to certain places it tracked your experience.  Here is Xyra on the Marauder's Map.

The portrait hall was cool.  They really moved!

Go go Gryffindor!

Hanging out in the great hall!

The classes were fun!

We successfully repotted our mandrakes.

Divination was a favorite!

What Xyra saw in the crystal made her smile, but she won't tell anyone what it was.

Intersting artifacts on the way to Hagrid's hut! 

Then it was off to Newt's case.

This is a bowtruckle tree.

Dumbledore's office

And the finale!

Ob-vi-ous-ly I won.  😁

If you're in Southeastern PA anytime between now and September 18, 2022; make The Franklin Institute and the Harry Potter Exhibition one of your stops.  The exhibit is outstanding and the rest of the institute is amazing as well.

Thank you for stopping by!  Come again soon!