Hello, fellow monsters and ghouls! Today is my favorite day of the year!
The rest of the Tea Time with Melody Q crew are working on their costumes for tonight.
So I volunteered to give our holiday shout out!
The atmosphere just crackles with excitement; I love it!
Absolutely looking forward to all the treats...not so much the tricks.
Although, Clawdeen did pull a great one on me one year. (laughs) Switched my regular drink with black cherry soda...or pop...and filled my bed with shipping peanuts!
Ah, well, those were the days; guess I should give her a call! Have a great day and night everyone! Enjoy every ghostly minute!
What is your favorite thing about Halloween? Special treat? Costume? Cheers, Draculaura #Dolloween #Halloween2018 #TeaTimewithMelodyQHolidays
In one of Xyra's favorite movies, The Trouble with Angels, the school observes Silent Sunday. That's pretty much a good way to describe Coolspring on the last day of the season. The last of the volunteer RVs are pulling out, the big vehicles are being tucked into the buildings for the winter, and everyone is packing up to head home. Since the food court packs up and leaves on Saturday, our group heads out to Punxy Phil's for breakfast.
They have a great menu and the servers know how to handle our big group of 17! After breakfast we headed back to the museum grounds to finish taking down the tent and packing up to go home. Overnight we had a lot of wind and rain, but no snow. Although, it did seem cold enough for it. So when we started taking down the tent, Xyra was surprised the fly and vestibule section was dry. So were the blankets. The space heater really made a big difference and not just for sleeping. The tent bottom and ground cloths were wet, so those were stored in separate trash bags for the trip home. After packing the truck it was time to load up and hit the road. Tatlo was eager and hopped in before I did.
Bye, Coolspring! Looking forward to seeing you again!
Do you ever feel sad leaving a vacation spot? Where is your favorite spot to visit? Please leave a comment below. Come again soon!
I/we don't usually share too much along the lines of our faith; however, the events of this past Saturday require us to share one of the greatest teachings from the New Testament. Our hearts are heavy for the Jewish community in Pittsburgh and around the world.
Please know that we believe and practice this with our whole hearts. If it's too small to read... Matthew 22:36-40 36 "Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?" 37 He said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." Much love from everyone at Tea Time with Melody Q.
Hi! I'm back and have this one long and a super short post for you this week. But first we have to give a shout out to Franz...it's his birthday! Without his interest in hit 'n miss engines we never would have known Coolspring existed.
Saturday Fun
In the spring, the one church has a quilt show. In the fall, the other church has a bazaar and we try to go up to see what kinds of goodies are available.
This year was interesting. A few cute outfits that were my size caught my eye, but nothing said take me home. I think the cold weather kept me from thinking I needed a swim suit, tee shirt outfit, or dress.
We did pick up a cookie from the bake sale before heading back to museum grounds. I wanted to go back up on the hill and hit the stairs.
This is such a great place to look out over the field; I had to stop again for a few photos. Yesterday morning was still so full. Now you can see the empty spots.
(giggles) From this angle the railing looks like a walkway that is not aligned with the bridge. (giggles)
We took a selfie. Tatlo posed well.
The Snow albums were out, so I looked through those. Do you like to look at photos? I do.
In the one corner were a few patterns for casting. It's a really interesting process for making items.
You use this with molten metal and when it cools you have the shape of the pattern. I know I'm not explaining it well, but if you've ever played with playdough sets like the burger barbecue or breakfast set it's kind of similar to that, but just kind of. Since it was pretty quite we went to walk through the woods. The leaves didn't quite rustle...they weren't crispy enough.
Check out this fly wheel.
It was kind of comfy, but very cold! Brrrr!
Another look at the field from the path up to Windy City and the Power Tech Annex. It's kind of quiet today. A few engines running, but not many.
We grabbed my sweater and our books and went to sit in the Annex. No sooner were we inside when a storm hit. If you look closely you can see bits of ice. We're not sure if it was hail or sleet.
The best place to be in a fall rainstorm is inside with your best friend.
Saturday is all about winterizing the engines. Draining all the fluids and greasing gears, etc. The Johnny is all done and tagged.
Doc Harvey missed the Saturday dinner this year, but for a good reason! The Chamber of Commerce honored him with a lifetime achievement award! So very cool! He's a great guy and really deserves it.
The award included commendations for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and Senate! Wow!
Ruger signaled it was time to call it a night. Tatlo agreed.
That's it for Day 4. Please come back for my super short report on Day 5. Come again soon! #CoolspringPowerMuseum