
Tuesday, October 31, 2017


We Interrupt...

Our Regularly Scheduled Post

To Wish You...

Check back again tomorrow, same Tea Time time, same Tea Time channel. (giggles)

What are you doing to celebrate today? Are you in costume? What's your favorite treat?

Best wishes from all of us to all of you!

Monday, October 30, 2017

Coolspring October 2017 2b

Coolspring Power Museum Fall Expo 2017

Day Two (continued)

Welcome back! Last time we "talked" I had just met Zara from Say Hello to My Little Friends. She's pretty cool! After exchanging hellos we exchanged goodie bags. Xyra and I both squealed over what Flo and Zara brought us. You'll see my squee tomorrow and i bet you will squee too! (giggles) So let's get to the Phantastic Phil tour of Punxsutawney

Punxsy is only a few minutes down the road from Coolspring. A straight route to town. (giggles) Not a straight route to find the Phils. This is one of the newer ones. It's at the new Cobblestone Hotel and Suites. But you couldn't see it from either of the roads. You had to drive into the parking lot and all the way around to the front portico to find him.
His name is Phil'd with Service
Good customer service is friendly and professional (giggles) he has that covered.

The next one we found was at Patsy Dunmire Park. It's a WonderPhil World is a pretty blue covered with primitive drawings of wildlife found in the water, on land, and in the air. 
The park was great! I had to check out the purple triceratops! She was adorable. 
Reminded me of one of the dragon babies we designed on Xyra's nook. She has an app for that.

Zara called me over to the climbing wall.
That was loads of fun.

I hit the slide a couple of times.
The second time I saw Zara at the bottom.
"Zara! Zara! Zara!"
"Oh no!"
"Sorry about that! I was trying to warn you to get out of the way."
"That's okay. Let's try something else."

Soon we got back in the car and headed back on the trail. the next one we found was another new one. They are really bright and shiny, the new ones. This one is HopePhil. From the front it looks like it only focuses on breast cancer.
But on the back you find all the care ribbons.

Next we found Philatelic at the post office.
He has a mail carrier's pack.
We pretended to be delivered. (giggles)

Then we were back on the road. We found the schools. My favorite was at the high school.
"Oh the Places Phil Will Go." 
His letterman sweater reminds me of the Phillies back home. (giggles)

On our way back we stopped at the Official Souvenir Shop and Phil Headquarters. We posed with the outside sign. It's groundhog shape!
Oh man, I was looking the wrong way again.

We found these great fascinators. 
Looked cute on both of us.

Too soon it was time to go back to Coolspring and part ways. I was sad to see Zara and Flo go, they got home safe and sound.

Which is your favorite Phil

If you want to see some of the other Phils we saw, check out Say Hello to My Little Friends this week.

So glad you stopped.  Come again soon!

PS. Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, Cobblestone hotel and Suites, Punxsutawney, or Coolspring. All links are provided for informative purposes.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Coolspring October 2017 2

Coolspring Power Museum Fall Expo 2017

Day Two

Last night was cold, but the tent and my sleeping bag were snug and warm. Yay! Tatlo wold have been very helpful in creating extra warmth especially if he slept by my head or feet. (giggles)

Anyway, we woke early and headed to the rest room to clean up. Then it was off to breakfast in the food court. Nice and warm a full plate of eggs, bacon, sausage, home fires, and pancakes. Super yummy!

After breakfast I saw this great little cart in front of the gift shop.
Looks like it is named Dani Mae. Cute!
Just my size, sort of.

Then I found Professor M's jeep.
Way too big but lots of fun!
Had to pose.

Then Xyra's phone chimed. Flo was nearby. We grabbed our gear and headed to the Coolspring General StoreThere I met Zara
I found out she loves horses and Back to the Future and 80s stuff too! 
We're going to have a blast in Punxsutawney on the Phantastic Phil trail.

All things Phil in my next post.

So glad you stopped. Come again soon!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Coolspring October 2017 1

Coolspring Power Museum Fall Expo 2017

Day One

Preparing and leaving for Coolspring can be stressful. I hated to leave Tatlo behind. I mean, Grace got to take Bonbon, but a tiny French bull dog takes up a lot less space in the truck than a wolfhound. And the truck is PACKED!

We left a little later than usual. Of course, we got out a little later too. Had lunch when we arrived. The sandwiches from the Coolspring General Store are HUGE and super yummy! I shared "the Coolspring" with Xyra.

Next item of business...setting up temporary home. Look at these new awesome lights from Lady Webby! 
They light the whole tent!

We are here! Yay! 
Bring on the engines!

So glad you came. Come again soon!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

October Ups n Downs


Fun Fall Temperatures

This October has been rally interesting, one day we're in sweaters and the next in shorts! Ups and downs really describes it well! It's really making choosing a Halloween costume difficult! Oh well.

Last week I got to go out to the Coolspring Power Museum and spend a few days out there watching and learning about the engines. Spent a day with Flo and Zara too. That was a lot of fun! We got home just in time for the Halloween parade. My sisters had already left to watch with other friends.

Anyway, I wanted to check in and let you know I'll be reporting on my trip over the next few posts. 

What's your favorite part of October?

So glad you stopped.  Come again soon!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Yellow Leaf Tag

We've Been Tagged!

Mary Elizabeth at Forever American Girl tagged us, well Xyra, in her very first tag. It's a fun one, so we thought we'd all answer the questions in The Yellow Leaf Tag!

The Rules

  • Give a shout out to the person who nominated you and link up their blog to your post.
  • Answer the questions.
  • Nominate up to 5 bloggers to participate.

Here We Go

Grace, Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Lea, Melody, Xyra, 2 or more

  1. What is your favorite TV show?
    VampirinaThe Big Bang TheoryPoldarkDancing with the StarsThe Thundermans, The Goldbergs, Bull
  2. What is your favorite season?
    , Spring, Autumn, Summer, Spring, Summer, Winter, All
  3. How many brothers and/or sisters do you have?
    Six sisters (giggles);
    None biological, 4 step
  4. What is the most boring-est time of your life?
    Waiting tends to be boring, but now we always bring a book with us.
  5. Do you have a phone?
    We have a couple we share.
  6. What would your dream doll look like?
    We haven't quite thought about it.
  7. What is your most prized possession?
    . My doll. Steps High, Tatlo, and my antique saddle. My antique doll. Nutmeg. My kitty, Camille and my stuffed sloth. Our kitty tea set. My stuffed bunny.
  8. What next doll (AG or non-AG) would you like to get?
    Very good question. We have a nice collection already.
    I'd like H4H Tipi and the AG I've created in the new create your own.

Our Nominees

Kiki Through the Looking Glass
Kara of Doll World

Answer the same questions we did. Have fun! 

Best wishes,