
Monday, August 7, 2017

Model Monday: Lea 3


This past Friday a couple of stations were playing Elvis movies back to back. We've noticed them on more frequently lately. Xyra said the movies get more air play in January, near his birthday...January 8, and August, near his death...August 16. Then her eyes got wide and she grabbed some scratch paper and declared this year will be 40 years since Elvis died! So we watched Blue Hawaii, Xyra's favorite Elvis movie.

I LOVED the Rock-A-Hula scene during Chad's welcome home party. Then I saw our hibiscus plant...and got inspired!

The Results

How do I look? Which is your favorite photo?

I love how our hibiscus matches the outfit!

You know, maybe I should have held this for next week and posted a Wednesday Wonders on the anniversary, but this shoot doesn't quite match the movie cover, just inspired by.

Outfit Details

It's all from one spot this time - no mixing or matching - Kanani's Lu'au set (AG retired).

Oh, speaking of outfits, don't forget Grace's wardrobe outfit challenge. We've collected one photo and would love more. See the details here and email your photo to 

Tchau! Até mais tarde! (giggles) or Aloha!


  1. Awesome Lea! You really captured the spirit of the islands. I can't believe it will be 40 years though!!! I'll have to dig out a couple of my Elvis records and play them this week and next in honor of the king.

    1. thank you! I'm so glad this is one of the outfits Xyra had to have; it's so colorful and easy to wear! I love how the skirt swishes.

  2. Those are gorgeous photos! :) I love the skirt... :) When you mentioned elvis, I thought of a TV show (Sue Thomas F.B.Eye - fantastic 2000s show that's absolutely awesome) and one of the episodes where an FBI agent acts as Elvis for a case. :)
    ~ Light4theLord

    1. Yeah! I love how the skirt swishes. It would look nice with a white tee shirt too. I remember a Castle episode where Castle, Ryan, and Espo dress as Elvis too. :-)
