
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Updating in 2017

Seven Months In

Grace, Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Lea, Melody, 2 or more

Everyone have their copies of the list?
Yep. Yes. Yeah.
I'm set on this laptop.
I'm up too!
Let's get to it.
A Day for Dolls?
Still nothing new since March 2016.
A Peek in the Pantry?
Independence Day post.
The Fabuleux Destin de Sophie Amelie?
Still nothing since August 2016.
The Doll Wardrobe.
Hmm, it's invitation only.
That stinks. Oh, well.
The Redhead's Blog needs to be moved back into the main list.
Bess's Bits of Treasure has a link change. 
Okay, we'll update that.
Our 2015 list should be taken down. 
Yeah, most are still up, but no new posts.
Oh, new posts from Simply Dollightful and ToDolly Awesome!
Nice! Yay! Good news!
[conversation continues, keys clicking, highlighters scratching the pages]

We're finally getting to take a good look at our Blogs We Visit page. 
Only in month seven of the year. (giggles)
We're not slow or anything. (giggles) 
While we work on this there will be no new posts, but we'll let you know as soon as we're done.
Yeah. We have to check two lists and all the URL bookmarks! (sighs)
Have a great weekend!
Stay 😎

Best wishes,


  1. Good luck with your organising! All you girls look adorable as always. Happy July to you! <3

  2. What a project! Speaking of great blogs, I nominated you for The Vlogging Tag.
