
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Tea Review: HD Pomegranate

Tea for Tuesday #10

Harry & David Pomegranate Green Tea

Mal and Evie on the Lanai - Make that Mel and Elee on the Lanai 😉

Hi! Thank you for joining Mel and me. Today we are trying out a tea blend from Harry and David.
It's one of four that came in a sampler Nonna gave us. Since it's been so hot lately, we thought we'd try the Pomegranate Green Tea iced.
It's kind of blurry, but the front of the box clearly notes, "A delightful green tea with light, fruity notes. Natural and artificial flavors." The last item...
Anyway, the tea comes in square, tagless bags. Xyra used four of these in our iced tea maker to brew the tea. 
There are ten in the little box.
Green tea hot or iced is much lighter in color than black tea. Here it is in our pitcher.
And there is plenty to share.
(giggles) The ice has melted.
True, but it's still cold.
Have a seat and fill the cups. Oh, by the way, it's unsweetened.
(sips) Hmmm, yes, light and fruity. A little sweet on it's own too. Refreshing.
(sips) Oh, yeah. I agree. The artificial flavor is subtle, but lingers in the aftertaste. Otherwise very tasty.
Okay, so with iced tea, if you want it sweet you should add your sugar or honey while it is still hot.
Yeah, that way it dissolves fully into the tea. I think this would be good sweetened too.
Perhaps. Just too sweet for me. (giggles)
Overall, the Harry and David pomegranate green tea blend makes a nice pitcher of iced tea.
As we mentioned this was one of four blends in a sampler box; we could not find it on a website. 
So we urge you to find your favorite fruity, green tea blend and brew up some iced tea to share with your family and friends on your lanai or porch or stoop or...

Do you take your iced tea sweetened or unsweetened? Or does it depend on the flavor?

Best wishes! Tchau!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl or Harry and David. The tea featured was given to us for our collection. The review is unsolicited and comprised of our own opinions, thoughts, and words. We were unable to locate the featured tea online; you may be able to find a store close to you using this link. We do not know if you will find this particular blend in the store.