
Monday, July 31, 2017

Model Monday: Grace 4

Summer Cool

Hi! We've been having some really nice days lately, but the humidity and temperatures are supposed to go up again starting tomorrow. Today we started out at 60, but are heading close to 90. Layering is key. I quickly threw together this outfit. How do I look?

Outfit Details

You're going to notice everything has one thing in common...being retired. What that means is if you look in the wardrobe you have (hoping you don't fall through to Narnia), you might create some really cool new outfits without spending anything.

Glasses: AG Rosy Glasses (retired)
Shrug: OG Wearever and Ever (retired)
Tank top: AG Play Outfit (retired)
Shorts: AG Lea's Bahia Outfit (retired)
Shoes: AG Cargo Outfit (retired)
Necklace: AG Saige's Sparkle Dress (retired)
Bracelet: Multi-colored turtles; from local drug store/gift shop
Watch: AG Reversible Schoolbag set (retired)

Reader Challenge

We would love to see (doll) outfits you've created from your (doll) wardrobe. So take a look through your wardrobe, put together a great outfit, take a picture, and send it to us at with the subject Reader Challenge.  If we get a few, we'll create a post using them. Be sure to tell us the outfit details in your email.

À bientôt!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl or Our Generation. The items creating the featured outfit are from our collection amassed over time with our own funds or through gifts. The links provided  share details on the origins of the outfit pieces. No purchase is suggested or required to enjoy the post.


  1. A nice, casual outfit! And now I know what that text was about LOL ;)

    1. Thank you!

      Haha! Yes, my out of the blue questions.

  2. Grace, you look terrific. We will try to get a picture to you this week! Great idea to take a second look at what we already have.

    1. Thank you! We'll keep an eye out for your photo. :)
