
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Book Review: Magemother #1

Magemother #1

The Mage and the Magpie

by Austin J Bailey

Grace, Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Lea, Melody, 2 or more

Reading Time Interrupted

Hey, Mel! What are you doing?
Just getting a bit of reading in; Just finishing The Mage and The Magpie.
Oh, that's cool. I think you're the last one to read it. 
I know.
Hey, why don't I get the others an we can discuss it.
Sure! Better hurry before it rains and we have to stay inside.

Book Club Convenes

Hi! Grace called you all here because I just finished The Mage and The Magpie and thought we should discuss it while it's still fresh in our minds.
(murmurs or agreement)

So, Grace, why don't you start us off?
Oh, um, yeah. So I liked this book. The mysterious opening drew me in Brinely's character kept me glued. A girl of two worlds who tries to be invisible in one and is invisible in another. So cool!
I completely agree. Then there is Hugo. I liked him. He could easily be a spoiled prince, but he wants so much more. Seeing him out on his quest, I keep hoping for the best for him.
Really? My favorite character was the bird girl...Tabitha. To be able to understand and truly care for birds as she does. It's especially neat when she swoops in at just the right time. Not a huge fan of her tower. (giggles) Too many droppings.
So the characters are believable and likable.
Oooo, not all of them. You can't have a good quest story without bad guys. The witches are particularly nasty...but one is proving to be helpful in her own way.
I just know that if Kaya'aton'my had read this story, I don't think she'd mind being called "magpie." She might even try to help the magemother herself. 
Besides that I thought the use of bells was very interesting. You see them being used to summon throughout time, but to have one tuned only to you. I wonder what mine would sound like?
You all are so focused on the characters. 
I really liked the setting. Like Grace said, we have two worlds and portals between them and bridges with many spurs.
Not like cowboys wear, but like a wheel. I guess I mean spokes. And even those aren't like a regular bridge, but are magical. There is even a map in the front of the book. 
I loved that!
It sounds like we all liked this book. 
Yeah, even the challenging parts. Battles, kidnapping, and everything.
The mages and their magic is interesting too. Not like we've read before.
The chapter headers were fun with the subtitles.
I want to finish this series. Hope we get the rest of the books soon.

Xyra's Review

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I really liked this book and hope to read the next two in the trilogy. I'd like to find out what Brinley, Hugo, and Tabitha do with the help of Archibald, Animus, and even Hadis.

This was a very interesting "through the portal or looking glass" type of story. Brinley, our main character, follows the sound of a bell to another world where she starts to find answers about her long lost mother.

You can definitely tell who the main characters or key players are in the story, they have the most developed personalities. Some of the secondary characters may take on greater shape as the story continues.

The story itself clips along at a nice pace. There are a couple point of view shifts as the writer focuses on the experiences of either Brinley, Hugo, or Tabitha. It's well thought out and accomplished without confusing for the reader. Book one finishes in a nice cliff hanger.

I had fun reading this and look forward to more.

Kid Lit Blog Hop

We're back on the hop! Yay! 
It took some time to find the right places to go and link up again after time away and a change to the scheduling. 

The best thing about the hop is that it is all children's literature. We love being a part of the hop. Please check out some of the others involved. 

Happy reading!


Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, Madame Alexander, or Austin J Bailey. We added Magemother #1 to our Nook through Barnes and Noble after receiving a notice of availability from Bookbub. The review is unsolicited and comprised of our honest opinions, thoughts, and words. All links are provided for educational and informative purposes. No purchase is required to enjoy the post. Should you be interested in reading The Mage and The Magpie, the links will point you in the right direction.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Fashion Fun LORI Style

Mini Outfit

LORI: Sweet Simplicity

Lanie, Melody, both

Hey, Mel! Check out the new outfit!
Ooo, that's cute!
It's called Sweet Simplicity.
Very nice! I'll open it while you get the dolls.
Which one? 
One? We have to try it on one of each. (giggles)
Right! (giggles)
[Melody uses the scissors to carefully open the box and cut the ties sewing the outfit in place; Lanie heads to the other room and brings back five mini dolls.]
This is a great outfit! Pants, sleeveless top, jacket, purse, sneakers, and sunglasses!
Who should try it first?
Who do you suggest?
Rebecca. We usually have trouble getting her hands through the arms.
Go for it!
[Lanie changes Rebecca]
Hey, she looks great. Everything went on easily! Well, except the glasses. They don't fit. (giggles)
My turn. Hand me Holly.
[Lanie hands over Holly and then the outfit; Melody changes Holly]
Also cute and easy on! Those glasses! I bet they don't fit anyone.
Let's keep trying.

Oh, the glasses! ARGH! [tosses the glasses on the lap desk] Hmm, I like the colors on Tama, but it makes her neck look really, really long!
Yeah, it does.

Tsk! Haley...well, she's going to wear her own pants and shoes. 
The tops fit well; and the purse goes over her head.
The colors are good for her too!

Madeline is last. 
Ugh! Her hands won't fit through the jacket arms; and her feet won't go in the sneakers.
She already was wearing purple sneakers, I'll put those back on.
The purse is adorable. It opens and can hold things.
I love the purse! Will go with a lot of the outfits.

Xyra's Notes

  • Love the LORI outfits. The construction is not always even, but clothes this tiny can be a challenge to mass produce and look well fitted.
  • Surprised it fit Rebecca best! Pants set at the right spot and stayed up. Top and jacket went right on. Purse strap long enough not to struggle with going over her head. Sneakers slipped on. Love it!
  • the top and jacket fit Holly well, but the pants were too big at the waist and would slide down.
  • Tama had a similar issue with the pants. Then the sleeveless top...seriously gave her giraffe neck! She has to wear the jacket over. A little trouble putting on one of the sneakers.
  • Mini Haley has permanent shoes. I didn't want to struggle getting her pants of if I couldn't get the others over her shoes. So she wore her own. The tops fit very well and went on easily.
  • Madeline, well, this can be a spring or summer outfit for her. the pants and top fit well. couldn't get the jacket or sneakers on at all.
  • The glasses are a waste! They didn't fit anyone and the arms are so bendy I couldn't even get them to stay on top of the heads like a headband.
  • The purse is adorable. Very spacious.
  • Overall rating: 4 out of 5 for cuteness, fit, style, and versatility. 

Who do you think looked best in this outfit?

Best wishes,


Note: Tea time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, LORI, or Madame Alexander. the outfit reviewed was purchased for our collection. The review is unsolicited and comprised of our own honest opinions, thoughts, and words. There is currently no link for the outfit, so an educational link is provided for the LORI brand. No purchase is required or suggested to enjoy the post.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Fashion and Fun


Grace, Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lea, 2 or more, Xyra

Two New My Life As Outfits

An Easter Bunny helper found us and delivered a lovely basket holding two really cute My Life As outfits and a pair of shoes. Thank you, Nonna!
A few of the girls decided to help out with reviewing (two older AG, two younger AG, and one MA). Haley jumped at the chance because, "Oh, my goodness! They are sooo cute!" She then convinced Grace and Lea to join in, and they convinced Kaya and Kirsten.

Each outfit had two pieces. The Pink and Green Floral Outfit comes with silky, floral pants and a soft, cotton, floral lace, sleeveless top. The Blue Denim and Floral Dress comes with the dress and a white bow, butterfly hair clip. The shoes are separate, but match both outfits! Where to start?
Pink and Green please!

Pink and Green Floral Outfit

On closer look, the top is lined with white cotton. You can see the layers are serged together.
And the pants have faux pockets. Not fond of them myself, but in this case it helps tell the front from the back.
Oh, the lace is soft; not picky. I think I'm in on this one.
I'll try too. The pants keep calling to me. Look comfy.
Cool! Kaya you go first.
Hey, the pants go one really well. Oh, I spoke a bit too soon...but...uh...(sighs)...yep, got them on. Not terrible. Help me close the top. (inhales) A bit snug, but I can breathe and move around okay.
You look nice.
I feel a small breeze across my lower back.
My turn!
Here are the pants. (tosses pants over to Lea)
Got 'em. Ooo, they feel so nice. Oh, um, hmm...yeah, Kaya, I get you now. (giggles)
Here's the top! (tosses top over)
(catches top) I really like the flowers of the lace. How do I look?
I feel a tiny breeze too. (giggles)
My turn!
Alright-y then. Pants and shirt to you.
Hmmm, where did you two have trouble with the pants?
Hips. Why?
Well, I had a little trouble too, but it was getting my beet through at the bottom. 
It's not bad. Just had to get the right angle. (giggles)
The lining in the top is great! What is this breeze you were complaining about?
On to the next one!

Xyra's Notes

  • The pants fit all three well. Not always the case with MLA clothes. Kaya had the most trouble getting the waist in the right spot. You can see the pull it takes from the front in her first photo. They fit Lea well but are still a tiny bit snug. Haley's toes are a bit wider than Kaya and Lea's but overall this is a really good fit for her.
  • All three girls had the slight "v" at the bottom of the blouse. It fit Haley and lea best and was very snug on Kaya, but no Velcro showed.
  • I give this one a 4 out of 5 stars for cuteness, fit, style, and versatility.

Blue Denim and Floral Dress

Cute shirtdress styling. 
Yeah, and there is an underskirt.
The hairbow is cute.
You know all about those. (giggles)
Hey...well, yeah I do. (laughing) Me first! (takes dress and heads to change) Oh, help!
What's up?
Now I understand why ladies had help dressing back in the old days. Take a deep breath, Kirsten!
That didn't work. Try exhaling.
(air whooshing)
I did the best I could.
Thanks. (gasping)
Looks cute.
Yeah, but definitely not my size. (giggles)
Let me give it a shot. I'll help you out.
Thank you. (steps out of dress) Ahhh!
Hey, this is nice. I really like it.
Definitely fits you better. Your turn, Haley!
I can definitely see sharing this one.
It's really cute!
Fits nicely. 
Oh, hey! Kirsten! You still have the bow! (laughs)

Xyra's Notes

  • While it wasn't too hard to get the dress on Kirsten, it took some patience. Was not too bad getting off either. The waist and skirt fit well, but the bodice was really snug and I could not get the Velcro to fully cover and close. 
  • Grace had an easier time getting the dress on. The top was snug, but a good fit.
  • Haley had the easiest tine getting it on and off; it was loose on her.
  • Kirsten forgot to pass along the hair clip, but it was okay. I couldn't find a good place to clip it on either Grace or Haley. I also noticed the clip is kind of fragile and snags in the hair; it could break over time.
  • I give this one a 3 out of 5 on fit and clip quality, but a 4 out of 5 for cuteness, style, and versatility. 


Which is your favorite outfit? Who do you think looks best in the outfits?
Pink and Green Floral Outfit: Kaya, Lea, Haley
Blue Denim & Floral Dress: Kirsten, Grace, Haley

Have a great day!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl, Madame Alexander, or My Life As. The outfits featured were gifted to our collection. The reviews are unsolicited and comprised entirely of our own honest opinions, thoughts, and words. All links are provided for educational and informative purposes. No purchase is required to enjoy the post.