
Thursday, September 29, 2016

AG in King of Prussia Part 2

Second Call!

After our first disappointment, Nonna and Xyra made plans to try and go to King of Prussia again after the grand opening. This time we had success!
We got there a little before Nonna and found our way back to the store thanks to landmarks like Captain America and Francesca's. (giggles) The front looks so different.

HUGE Melody Ellison poster in the window. 
I really like her dress; the colors are pretty. She's really pretty.

We didn't want to go in without Nonna so we went back to the really comfy couch to wait; and looked over our wish list.

Stepping Through the Door

The first thing we did...look at the accessories. I love those sunglasses. Not sure about the hats.
How does this look?

They have paper cards for each representative. These are for the blondes and reds. They kind of look like trading cards.

I found some cute sneakers. They'd match my outfit, but didn't seem to have a lot of support.

Meeting New People

Then I started meeting the others. These girls are ready for back to school.
Right: I love your outfit!
Me: Thank you. You look great too!
Left: Where did you get that neat denim shirt?
Me: I've had this for-ev-er! One of my favorites. It was part of the Play Outfit.
Left and Right: Cool!

Melody is so nice. We had a good laugh about having the same name.
Then we sang a few measures together.

Yeah! Would you like a brownie?
Looks tasty, but no thank you. I don't want to spoil my dinner.
Oh, okay. If you get a chance, this cafeteria is great.

Then Willa introduced me to this little rabbit named Carrot.
Isn't Carrot's hutch a bit small?
Carrot spends most of the day out hopping around. He goes in there to eat and sleep only.
That's great! 
So cute! I wonder how he'd get along with Razzi, Lulu, and Nutmeg?

Julie let me sit in her egg chair
LOVED it! Not sure where we'd put it, but it was comfy.

I did taste the smoothie over at the hut
Very tasty. 

Then I tried out the new tent
Wow! It's roomy in here.
Yeah, I know. We could both fit in there no problem. Do you go camping a lot?
My sisters and I take turns going away camping. But I love it and we do backyard camping sometimes.

Have a seat!
Yeah, join us for a few minutes.
Hi! Thank you. I am getting a little tired. (sitting) Hey, this bed is comfy.
Yeah, both sections are great.
You both look great in those pajamas.
(together) Thanks!
The little Pomeranian reminds me of our Bijoux.
You have a pom?
Yes, she's great.
They are so fluffy! (giggles)
Oh, looks like I have to go! Hope to see you again!

Checking Out

Well, our first trip tot the store was successful, and a bit overwhelming. We kept going around in circles trying to decide just what to get. We ended up settling on two larger items and several smaller (in store exclusives). Since this is a temporary store, the entire catalog was not available. For instance, Lea's Celebration Dress was not there, but almost all of her other things were.

What would you have picked up if you were with us?

Best wishes,

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl. Our visit to American Girl Philadelphia (King of Prussia) was unsolicited and planned purely for our own pleasure. All photos are property of Xyra Silverleaf AKA Tea Time with Melody Q and not to be shared without permission. Links are provided for educational and informative purposes only. No purchase is required or suggested.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

AG in King of Prussia Part 1

Pop Up Store - Yay!

American Girl announced pop up store locations for the fall and King of Prussia, PA was on the list! YAHOO! Nonna from Mommy's Doll Club and I planned a trip for the soft opening.

Not Quite Open - Boo!

Alas, when we arrived it really was not open when they told us it would be. Saige and I took a couple photos together out front and peeked through the cracks in the door. 

Looks cool!

Didn't Waste the Day

Our original plan was foiled by miscommunication; however, we didn't let us spoil the day. We checked out the new mall connector and did some window shopping. Miss Notea helped Xyra fill a pick a brick cup at Lego. We had lunch at Shake Shack where Nonna's sister joined us. One of the fun stores we visited was Asian Market. I had fun trying on dresses.

Took this teal one home too.

Evening Entertainment

After saying good-bye to Saige, Nonna, Notea, and Kaykay we headed toward home, but passed by and went to the New Goschenhoppen Park to see the Allentown Band perform. Xyra's friend EG plays in the wind section. 

We set up our own little seating area, got snacks from the concession area, and settled in for the tree sets. During the first we sorted the pick a brick cup. Between the sets the sponsor group had a cake walk.
The second set had a lot of fun music we could kind of sing along to. Well, very quietly, under our breath.
The sun started to set and the sky was beautiful.

As it got darker, the bandshell started to light up.
A lot of great music! If you get a chance to see the Allentown Band perform - go - you'll enjoy yourself!

AG in King of Prussia Part 2 coming soon!

Best wishes,

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl. All items displayed in posts have been purchased for our collection or received as gifts from family and friends. Links are provided for educational and informative purposes; now purchase is required or suggested.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Green Thumb Endeavors Update 5+

Welcome Back

Hi! I'm back again with a view from the garden. But first I want to thank all of you for hanging in there and waiting patiently for our next post. We have taken a lot of photos over the past month, but have been so tied up we couldn't get to the computer for fun stuff. I'm betting you understand. Again, thank you for your patience!


Back in August I showed you all the little green tomatoes on the plant we started from a seed. The other day I went outside to check on them and found quite a few red and ripe and ready for picking!

Aren't they adorable!
Super tasty too!
Here are two next to a tomato from our other plant.

Plus - New Outfit

Ta da! I have a new outfit. It's a Bahia Outfit. It comes with sandals, shorts, and a long-sleeve tee. I added the headband from the mix and match swim setHow do I look?

Xyra's Notes

  • Lea's Bahia Outfit has three pieces (4 if you count each sandal separately) for $28. That ends up being $7 per item (counting each sandal separately). $24 would have been a nicer number.
  • The shorts are cute and go on easily. They are on the short side.
  • The shirt opens fully in the back with a velcro closure. It is a bit snug on older dolls, but still fits nicely.
  • The sandals are really cute. they have a short velcro closure at the back of each heel. Very useful - keeps the sandals snug to her feet so they do not fall off.
  • Overall, I think a 4 out of 5 on the outfit; I'm taking a star for price. Based solely on the outfit, it's a 5 of 5.

Tchau! Ate mais tarde!

Note: Tea Time with Melody Q is not affiliated with American Girl. The featured outfit was purchased for our collection from our own money and the review is comprised of our own thoughts and opinions. Links are provided for information purposes only; not purchase is required or suggested.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

National Read a Book Day 2016

September 6, 2016

How Did You Celebrate?

Hi! Did you know Tuesday was National Read a Book Day? We saw the announcement on Good Morning America. I went and gathered the books we've been reading recently. Here they are!

We have two historical fiction books. 
Historical fiction books are stories based on a period of time that use events, facts, and settings from that time but have a made up character experiencing them. In some cases, authors also use historical figures or people as the main characters and try to put a story together from diaries or correspondence. Those can be really good, but be sure you do your own research to know what is accurate and what is created.

Picture books are fun too! 
You're never too old to relax with a picture book and you may learn something new. Do you have a favorite picture book?

Fantasy fiction books are fun. This one has princesses and dragons. Look for a review on it in the future.We hope to submit it for the next Kid Lit Blog Hop.
You might wonder how a cookbook counts? It's a book, right. Grace loves to read them, so does Xyra. Especially the ones with color photos. That way if you try something new you know what it should look like. (giggles)

This is a really old book. In fact, it is a poetry book. Old books have a lot of character, and I don't mean the ones inside. (giggles) This one is The Poetical Works of Longfellow.
Check out the great illustration next to the title page! 
You may have heard of Paul Revere's Ride or The Song of Hiawatha or The Village Blacksmith. We have a copy of Evangeline that is a book itself!

What have you been reading lately?

See you again soon!