
Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year's Eve

Fun and Silliness

New Year's Eve Selfie!

Aw, man, caught me mid blink!
(laughing) Bonbon barked and I looked at her not the camera.
Still not bad.

Do you have any New Year's Eve traditions? We set up party snacks and watch TV or movies until it is time for the ball to drop, then we watch the ball drop and go to bed. 

I hear tomorrow we may get to celebrate with some raspberry cordial!

Happy New Year's Eve to all. Be safe and healthy!


GMA AG GOTY 2016 Reveal

First Real Look

Girl of the Year 2016

Lea Clark!

Grace, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Melody, 2 or more

I'm so excited.

Where's Haley?
Sleeping in today.
Should we wake her?
No, she's not feeling well.
Shh. Shh.
Here they go!

Oh, my goodness! 
She's really cool!
(lots of overlapping chatter)

Did you get to see the reveal? Are you excited to see more from Lea? Do you think she'll join your family?

Melody Side Note
The first time I got new sisters they arrived in back to back years. Kaya and Kirsten in 2009 then Lanie in 2010. It's funny the same may happen again.

Xyra Note
Yes, Grace just arrived and I love her. She is special to me because my maternal grandmother was named Grace and she enjoyed baking. She also had beautiful dark hair that turned to lovely silver. (Although it was curly and a lot shorter.) As Melody said above, Lanie joined the family the year after Kaya and Kirsten. I thought my collection complete at 3; then came Lanie. She shares a name and has similar interests as my paternal aunt. Lea...Lea is the name of my wonderful cousin and is Lanie's daughter. Lea Clark even looks a bit like my Lea. So sometime over the next year she will be joining the family too. :) Would love for AG to release a Beverly and a Penelope...then my collection really would be complete.

Best wishes!


Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Fashion Review Plus: Julie's Original Meet

When You See a Sale...

Way back in the summer Julie's (AGH 1974) original meet outfit went on sale. I really liked the original outfit so when I saw the sale price I jumped - good thing I did too, hers sold out more quickly than Rebecca's. 

This is a great outfit for mixing and matching. It came with two-tone, bell-bottom jeans; multi-colored turtleneck; gauze peasant blouse; braided, leather belt; sandals; and pink panties.
I cut the tag off the sandals. 
Kind of looks like toilet paper when it gets stuck to the bottom of your shoe. :-( Much better without the huge ego tag.

Since it's arrival the girls have been wearing the entire outfit or different pieces and posing for a Who Wears it Best photo.

I give this outfit 4 1/2 out of 5 stars because I think the belt should be macrame instead of braided. :-D Otherwise, I love this outfit. So now the big question...

Who Wears it Best?


(Lanie wears the panites frequently; they fit a bit better than her blue ones.)
 XYRA! Ugh!

(Kaya posed during November aka Native American Heritage Month; she chose not to wear the sandals.)



Who gets your vote?

Best wishes!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Christmas 2015 and Beyond

Christmas Day is Here

Grace, Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Melody, 2 or more

Opening Gifts

No wonder ball this year, but a little something for everyone to open.


Two denim skirts, a pretty yellow blouse, purple sunglasses, and socks! Cool! 
Can you see my stocking and the Monster high puzzle?
We didn't get to hang our stockings this year. Oh, well.
Later in the day we headed to Nana Kestrel's, but forgot the camera. :( She gave us a great outfit too. 
Rebecca's Meet outfit. 
I wonder who will look best wearing it?
It even has the shoes!
Also not pictured are two more outfits, but we'll feature them later this week.

Lego Calendar Scene

It looks great!
I think we should add a few more mini figures.
Too much fun!
Hey, Grace! Come help me with Butterbrandy, I want to try her new blanket and coat.

Butterbrandy's New Coat

She's pretty.
Yeah, has a great temperament too.
Well, the saddle blanket fits perfectly. This will be much better than the other one.
Yes, the other was a lot thinner. This will cushion her back better. Now for the coat.
Oh, I love the color on her.
Looks great.
(whinies and nickers)
(laughing) I think she likes it too.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

Model Monday: Grace

Grace Thomasina Silverleaf

Modeling Debut

A Gift Filled Outfit

Hi! I'm excited to be here with my new sisters. They're really nice and have included me in everything from the start. Even made sure I had a gift or two to open on Christmas morning.

Why is this outfit called gift filled? Well, I chose one of the skirts Gramma Enne sent - you'll see more about that later - and the Nashville American Girl tee shirt that Kirsten told me Nonna gave us and popped on the new purple sunglasses - they're from Gramma Enne too. The boots and bracelet are mine.

What do you think? Do you have a favorite photo?

Xyra's Notes
I'll be updating our blog in the future to include Grace's signature below and biography on the Meet the Girls page. Other updates in the future too. :) I hope to get everything taken care of by the end of January 2016.

A bientot! (Try to picture the proper accents over the A and O please :-D )