
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Year-End Blog Review

Looking  Back

2014 was an interesting year filled with highs and lows. It was also filled with posts. :)

Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Melody, Xyra


Let's look at our 2014 statistics (all totals are approximate - we may have missed one or more while counting).
  • New post themes: 4
    Mini Adventures, Mini Big Adventures, Mini Pet Adventures, and XBR4OF
  • Tea Reviews: 15
  • Book Reviews: 4 regular & 3 xbr4of
  • Outfit Reviews: 4+
  • Giveaway alerts: 32
  • Multi-Part Trips: 7+
  • Average number of posts per month: 22, September had the least number of posts - 9; October the most - 32 (thanks to the Doll Diaries October Challenge).
  • Posted our 500th post! To date we are at 513.

New, New, New

Besides the new post themes, we started a Facebook page. 
Three new dogs joined the family: Carmelotta Creme, Bijoux, and Tris.

Thank You

We've said it before and we'll say it again and again. We wouldn't accomplish as much as we do without you - our readers, followers, members, and commenters. Thank you very much for your support and excitement. 

Best wishes for a Happy New Year!

Church Decorations 2014

Festive Season of Hope

These were taken on the fourth week of Advent. Isn't it pretty?
This is the top of the tree.

Looking down to the bottom.
Now the bottom.
A special type of decoration is used on the Christmas tree. They are called chrismons and all represent Jesus.
Xyra told me these altar vestments were made by families here at church many years ago. 
This particular square was embroidered by Gramma Enne.
The Nativity is spread out in the window sills.

Our cloak from Lady Vanyer is very festive...the color of poinsettias.

Does your church decorate for Christmas?

Xyra note: As mentioned above, these pictures were taken before Christmas, so the baby is not in the manger.

Best wishes,

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Our Fur Family Grows

The Corgi Puppy

Tris Joins the Family

You got to see her when we were opening our presents. Such a cute corgi.
We decided to name her Tris from the Divergent series.
She's petite and very courageous.
We're so happy Nana Kestrel gave her to us.

[Xyra note: When side by side with Bijoux and Meatloaf, the scale of Tris's features seem a bit off; she's larger than both. But she's still adorable! A great addition to the family. Thank you, again, Nana Kestrel.]

Best wishes,

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas 2014 Continued

December 26

Waking Up Warm and Toasty

Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Melody, All, Xyra

A surprise package came from Lady Grey - five beautiful quilts.
We each chose our favorite...
and bedded down for the night.

These are closer pictures - in pairs. 
I got to be in two pictures. :) Can you see the little stars on my quilt?
Mine has little bees in the yellow squares.

Which is your favorite? 
Thank You, Lady Grey!

Best wishes,

Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas 2014

Opening Presents

Haley, Kaya, Kirsten, Lanie, Melody, 2 or more

First Thing

Hey, Gramma Enne sent us a wonder ball.
What's a wonder ball?
You know, I'm not sure. Let's open it and see.
Wow! More presents.
I get it...follow the's like a nesting doll, but with presents.
Open largest to smallest.
Let's go...Mel, you're first.
Oooo, pretty outfit.
Love that green!
Lanie, you're next.
Cool! A matching hat.
Adorable lavender sandals.
A tote bag.
Awesome glasses!
Thank You, Gramma Enne!

After Christmas Lunch

[Lots of paper ripping, giggling, ooos, ahhs, laughing, and some barking too.]
Tris, don't eat the paper! 
She's such a sweet little corgi!
(panting and tail wagging)
Just make sure she doesn't knock over the new tea set. 
Isn't it beautiful? Cute kitties on it.
It was so nice of Nana Kestrel to give it to us. She said it came from her Nova Scotia trip.
She gave us the Tris too and these great new Fair Isle Pajamas.
Thank you, Nana Kestrel!
I can't wait to wear the Coconut Fun Outfit. It looks comfy!
Yeah, and these barrettes might match too.
Love the watch and hanky, too.
Thank you, Xyra!

More to Come

Each of us got something really special too.
We'll show you those in another post. 
You'll love them as much as we do!
They came all the way from Lady Grey in Iowa!

What is your favorite from the gifts we've shown today?
What was your own favorite gift?

We hope you had a super fun Christmas.

Warmest wishes,